Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Happy holidays everyone! I haven't done one bit of Christmas shopping yet - aaaahhhh! Man, this sure is the time of year when things get a little crazy for everyone especially diet-wise I find! I recently found myself thinking 'there's just 2 more weeks of holidays, I may as well let myself eat anything I want throughout the holidays and start fresh in January', I realize this is the way most people think about the whole month of December... it's a free-for-all diet-wise and you have the holidays to blame for it. Yes, there are more parties, more chocolate hanging around, more baked goods coming your way, more heavy family dinners, more hectic days of shopping which can = mall food... but then I really thought about what would be happening over the next 2 weeks... there are 2 days when I might like to forget total healthy eating and have a few drinks, mashed potatoes, cake, etc. - Christmas Day at my mom's and New Year's Eve. That's just one cheat meal per week which is my norm even when being really clean leading up to a competition. So, why would I allow myself to be bad for the whole two weeks? I guess we trick ourselves into thinking it's the holidays that make you break your clean eating, when really we're just searching for a reason to let loose! So, I had a bit of a rocky weekend, but yesterday I started back on strong. I think that's another important tip to eating right and losing or maintaining weight, is to never give up or lose faith in yourself. I mess up so frequently by eating sweets, etc. but I always believe I can pick up and continue on anew the next day (or even better, the next hour!) Once people screw up too big or too many times, they often lose faith in themselves to eat right and live a healthy lifestyle and they do the worst thing and give up... resign to a life of abusing your body and not seeing and feeling your full potential. Remember, "if you believe it, you can achieve it!" - keep the faith and everything will work out in good time. And think about your day today... is there really a good reason to eat goodies all day today just because we're coming close to Christmas? Probably not! So grab some halthy eats that will really fuel you for all your holiday busy-ness and make you feel great!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Back from my vacation to Punta Cana! It was awesome and a totally new (and challenging) experience going on vacation with a baby! So, back to real life now which I don't mean in a bad way (the way many people do after a vacay)- I am so excited to get back to work! I was inspired in many ways over the past week away and have come back to T.O. with even more ideas of things I wanna do (business-wise, artistically, competitions, and life stuff!) So, there will be lots of new, fresh things going on around the studio in the new year!
Right now one of my personal projects is staying sugar free always (and I started seriously today)! I've told a few people my plan and they've told me the holidays are a bad time to start... I actually had this thought too, but changed my mind. The way I'm looking at it is:
1) I believe that there's no time like the present to make a change in your life for the better (you don't need to wait until a Monday, a new month, or the new year to start bettering yourself)- do it now - don't waste another minute! So, I'm taking my own advice here!
2) There will always be something... right now it's Christmas, soon it will be New Year's Eve, then Easter, then someone's birthday, then... you get the picture! I hope I can learn to enjoy holidays and social events without food being my main focus... it sounds easy, but is quite hard usually and this phenomenon really kinda irks me. Of course food will always be an integral part of social gatherings, but I don't feel it should take precedence over connecting with family and friends, laughing, dancing, having fun! Just because I'm not stuffing my face with gingerbread and shortbread cookies (which, yes, I usually do around this time of year!) it doesn't mean I'm not having fun and celebrating Christmas. People wouldn't pressure a recovering coke addict to just have one snort for the holidays (I hope)- so don't hand me a cookie (ha ha)!
3) I'm a specialist in getting super-fit in a hurry for events or competitions, but often have trouble staying that way year-round (mainly because of my love of/addiction to sweets) so I'm really looking at cutting refined sugar and carbs as a new lifestyle not a diet or a temporary situation. I'm actually taking it even further and thinking I have an addiction to sweets and refined carbs so I need to stay off them (just like an alcoholic or a smoker). I have found that whenever I cut them out of my diet (like when I'm dieting for competitions) that I feel awesome and have great energy and pep, I drop weight effortlessly, and as soon as they're out of my system I don't physically crave them anymore so I think the trick for me is to never eat them and then things won't spiral into a big week-long sweet/carb splurge as they can with me sometimes!
There are a few books written on this topic - I actually bought one to read while away (called Sugar Shock), but only got a chance to get about 4 pages into the book because I was running after Zak the whole time so there wasn't much relaxing on the beach reading this time! I have no idea how this sugar-free-for-life idea will work out, but I'm having very positive thoughts about it and feel super-determined! I will be blogging often here about how my little experiment is going so check back often for updates!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Well, I have been a little off-and-on lately... I eat really great and clean one day, then totally go crazy with sweets and carbs the next. But it's all stopping now. It's amazing to me how huge an effect food can have on not only your body and health, but also your moods! So, today I have vowed to be healthy from now on seriously! Why feel gross all the time when you can feel awesome and on-top-of-the-world just by eating healthy foods. My workouts have been frequent (pretty much every day) but not quite as intense as usual. I'm trying not to do weights until January when I have an exact plan on how to decrease my lower body muscle and make the tweaks necessary for a totally symmetrical competition body! But, I find it really hard to stay away from the heavy metal in the gym. Cardio can be so boring when that's all you're doing. So, I'm trying to keep myself interested by doing plyometrics, intervals and other brain-intensive sweat sessions lately! I leave for my vacation in Dominican Republic this Sunday which is totally exciting (it's been a long time since I had a stress-free resort vacation) Woo-hoo!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009

So, my last competition of 2009 was this past weekend. I competed in both Fitness Model and Open Figure categories at IDFA's Canadian Classic. It was a totally awesome experience with quite large and impressive groups of ladies competing! I definitely didn't take enough time to prep for this competition and I knew going in that I wasn't really lean anough (I actually almost pulled out of the Figure category at the last minute because of this, but didn't and was glad I didn't). I was really happy to see such large groups as that always means there's more of a variety of types of bodies so it's not like I'd be the only one without razor-sharp muscles and six-pack abs. I was definitely relying heavily on the 5 inch heels and a super dark tan to bring my physique up a bit! So, when I got my spray tan the night before I got 3 coats instead of my usual 2, and I felt dark enough this time which was awesome! I had decided not to wear my figure bikini for the Fitness Model round and had spent the 2 days before the competition buying, and altering a bikini I had found at a shop on Yonge St. I was a little worried about it and had to totally pin and tape myself into it all to make it secure and look ok, but in the end I really loved the look of it and I got so many comments on that bikini! It was good to have very different looks for the two very different categories. The Fitness Model category was new for IDFA (they usually just have Figure and Bodybuilding), so no one really knew what to expect in terms of what exactly they were looking for in bikinis, poses, and physiques. It seemed they picked quite a similar look to Figure in the end which I think some people may have been a little surprised by as why have the 2 separate categories if there's no difference? I don't know... I felt really off and like I had back-tracked in my progress from my competitions in June and July (which didn't feel good). But my mom snapped some photos of me and even videotaped my little walk in Fitness Model in the daytime prelims. So, in between shows I looked at those and I felt quite a bit better! My body wasn't exactly how I'd like it to look for competition, but it also wasn't as bad as I had thought! I think I should aim for about 10 pounds lighter for my next competitions. Just a bit less chub on my lower body. Today I was looking at pics from the Neutron competition in October and the pics from this competition (which was 3 weeks later) and I see a big difference between them (I did lean out a bit) so that's cool! I really should be competing at the end of November so I could get the right look as I'm so close, but I feel a little overtrained and dieted out at this point, so I'm going to relax and start training smart in January for all the competitions I plan to do in June and July!!! I'm working on formulating my plan to make my body more symmetrical since a lot of the feedback I get is about my lower body overpowering my upper body. I don't particularly want to increase my muscles in my upper body (other thana bit more back/V-taper), so I think I will try to decrease the muscles in my quads and abs (I want a waist!) and then of course, the main thing will be leaning out enough that the fat leaves my problem areas (lower abs and legs). Not being totally ready for these past 2 competitions really has inspired and motivated me to be extra ready and looking my very best at the next ones I compete in! I ate some bad stuff this weekend and felt totally ill from it all. After my pizza and sweets after the competition on Saturday, I had a really dizzy/drugged-feeling day yesterday that was not very pleasant. So, today I started my day right with cottage cheese! I'm not saying I'm gonna be totally clean all week, but I'm also not going to cheat all week as I thought I would allow myself to do after these comps and going so hardcore for the past 2 weeks. Why would I (or anyone else) ever want to feel so bloated, low energy and gross? To keep me on track, I also have my vacation to Dominican Republic at the end of November where I'll be living in a bikini so that should be good! Talk soon!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Monday, November 2, 2009
Well, it's now the week of my next competition (it's this Saturday!) I'm feeling a little behind (as usual), but I'm just going to come in the best I can with a few days of insanity right now! I talked two more of my students into training with me to compete with me this Saturday and that's really been fun! I'm not the type who needs someone to motivate me to get to the gym and workout and I usually workout on my own, but since training intensely with them as well as my husband recently, I see doing it with someone can really help me exercise more intensely and push my body to new levels! When I go to the gym on my own, I often read a magazine while doing 45-minutes to an hour of steady cardio or do some weights, but lately, with my gym-pals, I've been doing hardcore weights, crazy intervals on the treadmill, and outdoor runs with stair work, etc. It's awesome! My legs aren't leaning out the way they were in June/July (I think I just need more time) and I really am wondering if I should do another competition this season after this Saturday just so I could really look the way I want to look for a competition this season... there's one Nov. 14th, as well as the 21st, but they're both out of towm... Toronto really needs more competitions! Hardly any are held here, things are all in Hamilton, London, Ottawa, etc. I know they're not far, but you have to be there for registration and drug-testing the day before too, so it makes it a little more inconvenient and expensive (especially when Zak, my baby, is involved!) I'm leaning to no, but we'll see how I feel after the IDFA competition! I'm going to be wearing different bikinis for Figure and Fitness Model categories, so today I'm going to go on the hunt for my Fitness Model bikini!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Just got a second e-mail from the promoters of the competition that went crazy last Saturday. I feel a bit more resolved because this e-mail had some meat (it wasn't just apologies with no real answers). So, they will be putting whatever results they can up (as of pre-judging) and competitors can choose to either be reimbursed their entry fees or to finish up with the evening show at an upcoming neutron competition in June and get the full results then. That will be a little crazy, but I'm going for that option! At least then I'm locked into competing for sure in June! I ordered my photos from the pro photographer from Saturday today too so those will be fun to see! I had a few cheat meals right after Saturdays competition and I'm starting to really feel that my body absolutely HATES junk now! This is awesome as it means I've really upped my healthiness! I felt absolutely ill after eating pizza and potatoe wedges Saturday night and was in a gross haze Monday morning after all my bad stuff throughout the weekend (and still feel a little bloated from it all!) So, I just need to remember how bad my old favourite foods made me feel so I don't think I should eat them! I'm getting so excited about my upcoming IDFA competition where I'll be competing in both Figure and Fitness Model divisions - yay!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Well, what an experience that competition was!!! All was normal through Friday at registration and drug-testing, then we drove out back out to Oshawa early Saturday morning to be at the historic Regent Theatre in time for the Athlete's Meeting before pre-judging. When we got there, everyone was working hard to clean the theatre up and get some heat on in the big theatre. The theatre had been closed for some time and wasn't in working condition exactly yet I guess. We hung out and finally had a bit of a meeting before being shown to some not very big, lit-up, or warm change areas. Not prime, but we made it work! After a bit of a delay the daytime pre-judging show started! There were a few categories before my first bikini/physique round so I took my time changing into my bikini (it was freezing!) My first round was Sports Athletic Bikini/Physique. There were four competitors in this category. First we each walk out and do our model T-Walk, then our quarter turns together for comparison. I felt WAY more confident with my walk and posing than I had at my first Neutron show in June as I kinda knew what to expect this time and I hope I slowed down my walk a bit this time (as that was a big point in my judge's report from last time and from my husband!) We changed into our Sports Athletic Sports Wear (mine was a neon pink and yellow 80's aerobics theme that I loved!) Again we did the T-Walk and quarter turns in these costumes. Then a quick change back into bikinis for Fitness Model category. There were six competitors in this category. The other part of the Fitness Model category (aside from bikini/physique) is the evening gown and speech part (the part I was most terrified about), but that happens only in the evening show. Soon after we had changed out of our bikinis and piled on the layers to try to warm up, the show was over. Me and my pal Gina rushed off to eat lunch at her sister's house who conveniently lives in Oshawa! It was awesome of her to have us over to thaw out and eat - we were hungry and cold! Soon we were on our way back to the theatre for the athlete's meeting before the evening show. By now my husband and baby had arrived in Oshawa to watch the evening show. It was past the time the show was supposed to start and we were still waiting in the audience for the athlete's meeting to start, something was wrong! I had taken this time to spend some time with my boys and catch up when all of a sudden there was an official announcement throughout the theatre saying we'd all have to leave the theatre because Neutron hadn't paid! The competition promoter got up on the stage and said "no, the show will go on, we won't be shut down!", etc. I thought it was all a joke at the start - it seemed so surreal! Anyways this went on and on with the promoter talking about how the venue wasn't in the proper shape for a show (no heat, dirty, etc.) but that we should stay and not be intimidated, etc., the mayor of Oshawa spoke about something or other, then the theatre shut off the power in the theatre (no lights or sound) People were still saying stuff, it was all chaos, then the theatre started trying to blast us out with loud heavy metal music (a tactic usually used for more sinister reasons like evacuateing cults, etc.) Finally all the athletes were told to meet in the lobby, once we were all there, we were told to meet at Denny's on the other side of town! We waited there for about an hour before the promoter got there, and once he got there he said dinner was on him and that he would fully reimburse everyone and make it all up to us. Really, I think they should've just finished it all off and given out the awards at Denny's or some other location if he couldn't make an agreement with the theatre. Yes, the theatre was a mess and no heat, etc. But I think the promoter just made it all worse by taking it this far and letting so many people down (competitors, audience, etc.) Maybe he could've settled his issues with the theatre after the evening show (not before). But, it is what it is. I'm happy about the way I competed in the day show, I was relieved I didn't have to do my speech for the evening show, but a little sad that my husband didn't get a chance to see me compete and that we didn't get any results. Luckily I will be competing again soon on November 7 at IDFA in Toronto and I want to bring an even better package... I have 3 weeks to refine what I've got, get tighter, leaner, and better! I can't wait! What a very crazy Saturday night I had - it really was like being in some crazy movie!
Friday, October 16, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
Can't believe tomorrow is my competition!!! I'm in the thick of all the craziness that comes a day before a fitness competition. I was so busy this morning doing my last cardio before the show, putting finishing touches on my bikini and sportswear outfit, practising my speech, and of course getting everything ready for my mom to take care of zak all day today while I'm gone for tanning, registration, and drug-testing in Oshawa. So, that's where I'm heading now... I'm on a go train and thought I should really go over my speech some more in my head, but am putting that off for a bit by posting here instead :) I've been eating pretty much only protein for 2 days now as I was in an emergency situation with my body not quite lean enough for competition. I am feeling a lot tighter already and of course the tan will help in a big way for sure, so I'm sure I'll feel even better once I've got that going for me! Anyways gotta go get on with that speech now, i'll keep you posted on how the big day tomorrow goes - yay, so excited!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Competition prep has been going terrific! My diet has been majorly strict (except for a little mess-up on the weekend). Lots of protein, moderate carbs (mostly from veggies), and a bit of healthy fats. I have cut a lot of my weight workouts out lately to fit in even more hardcore cardio to shed this fat that's left. I feel a little lost when I don't do weights consistently so that sucks (gotta love the iron!), but I'm just trying to keep in my mind that this is only temporary (my competiiton is coming up - only 10 days till the first one!) Speaking of how soon it is, it's terrifying! I'm so far from what I wanted to be for this show, but I have in my mind that I will be competing Oct. 17 no matter what so I will just get to be the best I can in the short time I have left (and learn not to leave it till so late next time). It really just hit me yesterday how close the competition is and how much stuff I have to get done (sportswear costume, speech, all the beauty stuff, practise my quarter turns and walk more, and finishing up my bikini). I'm going to try my bikini on this Friday to see how it's coming so that's my short term goal right now - try to get tighter and closer to what I should be for the competition so the fitting will make sense on Friday. So excited to see how it's coming! I'm going to officially register for both the Oct. 17 and the Nov. 7 competition TODAY. Because even though I have set it in my head that I WILL be competing no matter what in both of these, I feel this will just make it even more serious!
Yesterday I went on a bit of a shopping spree and rewarded myself for all my hard work lately. It was lots of fun... bought Zak some winter gear, bought myself some little jeans (yay!), and finally bought some (also tiny) bras (boo!) That's one of the very first places my fat leaves when I start losing weight unfortunately. I got officially measured yesterday at the bra store and found I was the smallest size the store sells! I couldn't get over that and refused to buy that size - ha ha!
We finally booked our winter getaway for November 29th!!! I cannot wait! We'll be going back to the same amazing resort we went to last time in the Dominican Rebublic (Gran Bahia Principe). We used to go away every year without fail, but because of being pregnant, then having a new baby we missed 2 years in a row now! So we really feel due for a great restful fun vacay! It will be interesting to see how it goes with Zak along with us this time. It's also terrific timing as my last competition is November 7 (or maybe 14th if I decide to do UFE at the last minute), then, of course I'm going to want to have a rockin' bikini bod for our trip so it will keep me on track! And while away I plan to stay healthy (of course I'll indulge in a bit of fun foods and drinks while away), but I don't want it to end up like a full-out binge-fest at the all-you-can-eat buffets which is easy when you're at these places! I just have to remember how bad bad foods make me feel! I realized this a lot this past weekend when I had a butter tart after eating totally clean all week... I felt disgusting and sick afterwards. I think my body was like 'what is this foreign unhealthy thing?'
I'm trying not to dwell on this, but I got a cold yesterday and am feeling so nasty today! But it's not keeping me from my workouts or clean eating! Nothing's gonna stop me. I'm thinking that I'm sweating all the impurities out of me! And I'll try to get some more sleep than I usually to to re-coup! Plus positive thinking!
HEY... If you didn't know yet, I was chosen to be a Transformation of the Week on the awesome bodybuilding.com! Check it out at http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/female-transformation-meagan-hesham.htm I'll also soon have a writer page up there! Very exciting to see as well as so exciting to get so much feedback from people who've seen it!
Yesterday I went on a bit of a shopping spree and rewarded myself for all my hard work lately. It was lots of fun... bought Zak some winter gear, bought myself some little jeans (yay!), and finally bought some (also tiny) bras (boo!) That's one of the very first places my fat leaves when I start losing weight unfortunately. I got officially measured yesterday at the bra store and found I was the smallest size the store sells! I couldn't get over that and refused to buy that size - ha ha!
We finally booked our winter getaway for November 29th!!! I cannot wait! We'll be going back to the same amazing resort we went to last time in the Dominican Rebublic (Gran Bahia Principe). We used to go away every year without fail, but because of being pregnant, then having a new baby we missed 2 years in a row now! So we really feel due for a great restful fun vacay! It will be interesting to see how it goes with Zak along with us this time. It's also terrific timing as my last competition is November 7 (or maybe 14th if I decide to do UFE at the last minute), then, of course I'm going to want to have a rockin' bikini bod for our trip so it will keep me on track! And while away I plan to stay healthy (of course I'll indulge in a bit of fun foods and drinks while away), but I don't want it to end up like a full-out binge-fest at the all-you-can-eat buffets which is easy when you're at these places! I just have to remember how bad bad foods make me feel! I realized this a lot this past weekend when I had a butter tart after eating totally clean all week... I felt disgusting and sick afterwards. I think my body was like 'what is this foreign unhealthy thing?'
I'm trying not to dwell on this, but I got a cold yesterday and am feeling so nasty today! But it's not keeping me from my workouts or clean eating! Nothing's gonna stop me. I'm thinking that I'm sweating all the impurities out of me! And I'll try to get some more sleep than I usually to to re-coup! Plus positive thinking!
HEY... If you didn't know yet, I was chosen to be a Transformation of the Week on the awesome bodybuilding.com! Check it out at http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/female-transformation-meagan-hesham.htm I'll also soon have a writer page up there! Very exciting to see as well as so exciting to get so much feedback from people who've seen it!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Can't believe it's already October!!! Just 16 days until my first competiiton! Totally not feeling ready yet, but I'm just keeping the positivity flowing and staying clean with my diet and hardcore with my workouts! I think my diet has been a little bit too high carb (good carbs), but I need to get more extreme to get the quick results I need. Yesterday there was a little too much honey and peanut butter at the end of the day, but other than that it's been going pretty good! My weight hasn't gone down too much since the last time I wrote. I have 15 pounds to lose in 16 day at this point (almost a pound a day) seems crazy, but big goals are good for me! I do tend to work better under stress and time limits (wish I wasn't like that!) I've been working like crazy on writing more and more fitness articles so I can get them published all over and really make a name for myself in fitness. I have been so inspired to write a lot lately, but haven't had too much time as my baby is all over the place all day and I have to run after him rather than sitting at a computer! I just finished an article about eating clean on the run and not making excuses for not eating healthy and I have about six more ideas for articles that will just flow right out of me if I had a few hours to sit here at the computer. Maybe I'd better keep this post short so I can try to get onto that while Zak sleeps a bit more! Bye for now!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Well, my week is going great! I have lost 3 pounds so far through my clean eating and crazy workouts. So, I'm at 23 days to lose 17 more pounds before my first competition of the season. Went on Wednesday to get fitted for my new bikini which is exciting! As I wrote last post, I've decided not to do Figure at my first show (Oct. 17th) cause I don't think I'll be hard enough at that point for Figure. I was planning on just competing in Sports Athletic Model, but then I found the perfect evening gown for the Fitness Model Division at the Neutron show... I didn't do Fitness Model last time because you have to give a minute-long speech on your personal fitness philosophy and that freaked me out. So many of my friends and students like to point out that I talk on and on to them and in class every day and so it should be easy to give a little 60 second speech, but when it comes to formal speaking (and into a mic, and being judged on it) that freaks me out. But since I loved the gown so much, I'm going to feel the fear and do it anyways! I'd better start working on the speech now so I can feel a bit more comfortable about it!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
So, I'm very behind to be ready for my first competition of the season which is Oct. 17th. Some people think I'm crazy to think I'll be doing it even though I have about 19 pounds to lose in 24 days. But I will be doing it no matter what! I may not be able to do figure (which is sad!) as I may not be cut enough by my first comp. for figure, but will definitely do sports athletic model division! I am on a strict diet and am doing 2 grueling cardio sessions a day, plus heavy weight training! I feel great all ready being on track! I believe I can do it, so I will! I know that if I say I won't do this competition and I'll just start with a later one in November or something, I'll just put off the diet more and why do that? I'm going to get my new bikini made today which will inspire me further! Talk soon!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Change of plans... I'm not going to do the bikini competition at the end of September, but I plan to do 3 competitions through October and November now! Why the change? Well, let's not kid anyone - one main reason is I didn't pull my diet together soon enough to be ready so soon! I enjoyed eating fun things all summer long (which wasn't my plan)... I just couldn't seem to get the eating under control and I gained 15 pounds right after my last competition because of it. Now, I had planned on putting about 8 - 10 pounds back on - I didn't want to stay at my competition weight through real life - I wanted a bit more butt, boobs, and cheeks back, but I didn't plan for quite this much. A lot of people are ready with excuses for me like "well, when you go so low carb and deprive yourself for so long, of course it will come piling back on as soon as you touch normal food" and such, but if you had seen how I ate for a month straight, you'd see why I gained so much. I believe you have to be real with yourself (and hopefully with others too!) I'm not proud of it, but I ate SOOOOOOOOO much, and SOOOOOOOOO much bad stuff at that! It's very simple to me, you eat lots of bad stuff, you put on fat, you eat lots of good-for-you stuff, you get lean and feel awesome. I do think I really needed the bad to totally appreciate the good! At this point I'm sick and tired of feeling gross from eating too much sugar and white carbs every day, I'm really ready for my pre-competition clean diet - I crave it! So, I'm a little late (almost 5 weeks out from my first competition), but I'm ready to go 110% now. If I had started earlier I might not have felt that way and I think you really need to feel it in your heart to have great results. I don't like doing anything in life half-heartedly! The other reasons for backing out of the idea of doing the bikini competiiton are that I really want to BRING IT for Figure in October and November and I thought September might throw me off for the later competitions, also, I just don't get the new bikini division and don't really see myself in that way... I LOVE a nice muscular body and I'm not quite sure I'd fit in with the bikini babes! We'll see where it goes as it is a new division and no one really knows what their looking for yet!
This morning I did a good Back and Bicep weight workout and will run to and from the studio tonight (which will equal about an hour of running). I don't usually use any supplements other than multivitamins sometimes, but today I started trying out CLA as I've heard so much good stuff from friends about it. So far, it just made me feel a bit sick to my stomach when I took it before breakfast :< I'll keep you posted on what I find it does for me as I go! I'm starting to think about my figure routine for the Neutron show on Oct. 17, as well as my new bikini (which I think will be green with lots of bling of course!), and my Sports Athletic Model themewear for Neutron as I plan on competing in both Figure and Sports Athletic Model again in that competition!
I'm off to train someone from my 12-week program soon, so I'll be signing off now! I will post again tomorrow hopefully!
This morning I did a good Back and Bicep weight workout and will run to and from the studio tonight (which will equal about an hour of running). I don't usually use any supplements other than multivitamins sometimes, but today I started trying out CLA as I've heard so much good stuff from friends about it. So far, it just made me feel a bit sick to my stomach when I took it before breakfast :< I'll keep you posted on what I find it does for me as I go! I'm starting to think about my figure routine for the Neutron show on Oct. 17, as well as my new bikini (which I think will be green with lots of bling of course!), and my Sports Athletic Model themewear for Neutron as I plan on competing in both Figure and Sports Athletic Model again in that competition!
I'm off to train someone from my 12-week program soon, so I'll be signing off now! I will post again tomorrow hopefully!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Hi there!
Haven't posted for a while, eh? I have been all over the place diet and training-wise over the past three weeks (post competition). I know this is fairly normal for most competitors after having been so strict leading up to the show, but I personally do not want to go down this route again! It just doesn't give you a feeling of health... and isn't health and fitness what fitness competitions should be about? I'm a very extreme person as it is and i would hate to think I'd have to stop competing because it totally played right into my personality flaw of extreme, often very unbalanced thinking (i either love you or hate you, i'm either totally into something, or totally not, or i'm either really superhealthy or binging on sweets!) Anyways, so I've now picked myself up out of my Haagen Dasz and nachos and have gotten back on track at the gym and running outside! I knew I wanted to compete at the end of October with Neutron and UFE, and those are only 11 and 12 weeks off, but i decided i wanted to compete sooner as well on Sept. 26 with CBBF to keep me on the straight and narrow! I'm going to try out the new Bikini division (which I'm still a little unsure of), but I'm not as big as most of the Figure girls and I don't want to be any bigger personally so it's hard to decide what to compete in now... I think I'm too muscular for Bikini, yet too small for Figure... hmmmm.... gosh, by the end of this year I'll have competed in every division except Bodybuilding and I'll have tried most of the associations who put on competitions here in Canada - it will make for a great article soon. Anyways, back to the balance issue (which I also want to write and article on), my goal is to live a balanced healthy life that I will be proud for my son to grow up and learn from, stay within 8 pounds of my competition weight year-round, and just look and feel great inside and out (my goal is to look like a fit bikini babe always - not just when I'm doing a competition)! I'll keep you posted on how it's all going!
Haven't posted for a while, eh? I have been all over the place diet and training-wise over the past three weeks (post competition). I know this is fairly normal for most competitors after having been so strict leading up to the show, but I personally do not want to go down this route again! It just doesn't give you a feeling of health... and isn't health and fitness what fitness competitions should be about? I'm a very extreme person as it is and i would hate to think I'd have to stop competing because it totally played right into my personality flaw of extreme, often very unbalanced thinking (i either love you or hate you, i'm either totally into something, or totally not, or i'm either really superhealthy or binging on sweets!) Anyways, so I've now picked myself up out of my Haagen Dasz and nachos and have gotten back on track at the gym and running outside! I knew I wanted to compete at the end of October with Neutron and UFE, and those are only 11 and 12 weeks off, but i decided i wanted to compete sooner as well on Sept. 26 with CBBF to keep me on the straight and narrow! I'm going to try out the new Bikini division (which I'm still a little unsure of), but I'm not as big as most of the Figure girls and I don't want to be any bigger personally so it's hard to decide what to compete in now... I think I'm too muscular for Bikini, yet too small for Figure... hmmmm.... gosh, by the end of this year I'll have competed in every division except Bodybuilding and I'll have tried most of the associations who put on competitions here in Canada - it will make for a great article soon. Anyways, back to the balance issue (which I also want to write and article on), my goal is to live a balanced healthy life that I will be proud for my son to grow up and learn from, stay within 8 pounds of my competition weight year-round, and just look and feel great inside and out (my goal is to look like a fit bikini babe always - not just when I'm doing a competition)! I'll keep you posted on how it's all going!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009

Well, I haven't posted since my last competition (last Saturday) - so let me now update you all on how that went! I competed in Open Figure at IDFA's Toronto Classic on July 11. It was awesome to do a competition in Toronto so all my friends and family could be there for it and my studio peeps definitely made an awesome cheering squad!!! I had originally planned to compete in the Novice Figure division with Gina & Camille (my 2 friends I was training for this with), but I got a second placing in Figure at the Neutron show 2 weeks before, so at the last minute I had to enter Open Figure instead of Novice. This was scary to me as I didn't feel I had enough muscle to compete in IDFA as it was, never mind in Open! It was a small group, but gosh, did these women have muscle!!! I was shocked to hear my name called out in the top five and was so excited and thoroughly excited to take home the fifth place medal that night. The day and night was really long and our division was last in the show! We were only out there a few minutes to do our quarter turns after waiting nervously backstage for about 4 hours each show! By the time I got out on stage I was a wreck and I felt like everyone could see me shaking through my poses (people told me they couldn't so that was good). I was so nervous about my trembling that I may have screwed up a bit on my quarter turns! It was hard to only have those few minutes to impress the judges. At the Neutron show I competed in two different categories, it was a smaller show, and there were so many different opportunities to come on stage and strut your stuff (quarter turns, T-walks, routines, posing, etc.) that you ended up a bit more relaxed there, but having everything count on a few minutes of quarter turns at IDFA was harrowing!!! It was an awesome experience and placing 2nd in Neutron and 5th in IDFA just spurs me on to want to place higher in October when I compete again! I'm waiting to see the judge's reports to see what I need to improve on, checking out the pictures, dreaming up my next bikini (I'm thinking blue or green with tons of crystals!) and now, after a week of eating bad and taking a bit of a break from the gym, I'm ready to get back at it all!
This Sunday I start my studio's newest, most exciting endeavor, flow's 12-week body transformation program! I am so ready to throw all my heart and soul into helping ten people change their lives forever! We are gonna be one sexy studio by October! Maybe a few of them will want to compete with me once they're done the 12-week transformation! This program will also spur me back onto the healthy path so I don't put all the weight I took off back on by continuing to eat Haagen Dasz and Big Macs (which have been my staples this week after competition)! I can't wait!
Other exciting news is one of my articles on starting your own competition training crew was published in Dubai's Physique Magazine this month! Check it out at http://www.mayada.ca/meagfitness/starting%20your%20own%20competition%20training%20crew.htm
Monday, July 6, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009

Just 5 more days until my big IDFA Figure competition!!! And I'm SOOOOOO excited! I just got my stage shots from the Neutron show (taken by pro photographer, Dave Robinet) just in time to learn from them for this next competition... what have I learnt from seeing them?
- I hated my hair - must figure something different out to do with it for this Saturday... maybe straight this time?
- My quarter turn to the back still needs work... need to pop those shoulders up more (and evenly), get rid of my shoulder blade wings, and make sure all of my hair is pulled off my back to really showcase those back muscles I've been working so hard on!
- I think my face was a little dark, so am trying to get a great make-up artist to do my face this time (I can't be trusted!)
It was also great to just see me up there and realize I don't look as bad as I imagined myself! My husband told me I looked great up there alongside all the other fit girls, but I thought he was just being nice. I still see lots of areas to work on, but I have a little more confidence after seeing myself up there and (mostly) liking what I see!!!
I was down in the gym twice this morning already (cardio and legs/butt/calves). I will run to the studio later to get together with my fitness girls and practise our walking and posing for this Saturday! YAY!!!
Friday, July 3, 2009
Friday, July 3, 2009

My prep for my competition next Saturday is going well, plus I have a fun beach photo shoot this coming Wednesday with my fitness girls, Camille and Gina and our favourite photographer, Samira! Just found some adorable new bikinis at H & M for that.
Today I thought I'd post about something that is really irritating me lately... and that is people saying they feel sorry for me cause I'm not eating junk lately and saying they can't wait till I can eat again, etc. So, I was trying to explain to some of my students last night that there's no need to feel sorry for me... I'm having a totally awesome time creating the body of my dreams! Yes, it means I miss out on some goodies along the way, but what your life is is all about what your priorities are. Right now, my main priorities in life have to do with my baby, my career, and my fitness. Some people's priorities in life right now might be enjoying yummy food and drinks while socializing with friends or trying the newest restaurants with their significant other and that's fine (I've been there too - how do you think I gained so much excess weight during my pregnancy?), I'm not judging these people and saying "gee, I feel sorry for you - too bad you can't take off that last ten pounds!" right? that would be awfully mean! And so I just want to get it out there that no one has to feel sorry for me, I am feeling better than I've ever felt in my life, better than I'd feel eating a big old cupcake every few days. Plus, if you know me well, you know I do indulge in a cheat meal (or day) at least every week - it keeps me sane! As for the comment of "I can't wait till you can eat again" - First of all, I do eat... I eat a lot... 5 - 6 meals a day of nutrient-rich veggies and power-packed proteins, I never find myself hungry, and I usually have lots of energy from this type of healthy eating, I know what people are referring to really is when will I be with them indulging in all those yummy fatty foods like nachos, burgers, beer, and sweets? This lifestyle I've started with clean eating and hardcore work-outs isn't going to just go away after my last competition of the season next week... at least I hope it won't! I didn't just put all these months of effort into developing such a healthy regimen just to throw it out the window because I've gotten through some competitions. Life isn't about competitions, to me it's about feeling terrific in your own skin, feeling confident about your body, and living a healthy lifestyle (especially now that I have a child who will be watching my eating habits and learning!) So, next time you see me eating my cottage cheese and brocoli, don't feel bad for me, know that it's all worth it to me to feel great and live my dreams! And if you really wanna see me down some nachos and beer - come out with us after the competition this Saturday (ha ha)!!!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Woo-hoo! I'm back from Ottawa from my first competition. It was an awesome experience and I ended up (much to my surprise) placing second in both categories I competed in (sports athletic model and figure) I am working on a whole article about my experience this past weekend so I won't blab on too much here yet. But, I did learn a few things from this weekend... one of the big things was that I really need to work on my walking and posing (and knowing what different shows expect you to do, as they're all a little different) I had been practising my walk and my quarter turns in one way and then they were different for this association! Plus, I always think my big problem is going to be my actual body, but I think my main weakness at this show wasn't my body, but more about my posing and walking! That's something that can be fixed easily by practise! I took it easy and ate really sinfully for the past 2 days and now I feel totally ready to go back at it strong to get ready for my next competition on July 11th (less than 2 weeks away!)
Monday, June 22, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009 - ONLY 5 DAYS TO GO UNTIL COMPETITION!!!
YES, 5 days until my first competition!!! I had some major diet blunders at the end of last week due to going a little too low carb and ending up maniacally binging on any white carb I could get my hands on late at night two days in a row! So, Saturday I added a real whole grain carb in my mid-day meal (instead of just limited vegetables as carbs all day) and yesterday I was at my mom's for brunch so I allowed myself a slice of quiche with all it's carb-o-licious crust (but that was as bad as I went all weekend) and it really showed on the scale this morning - I had lost 2 pounds (after having no change whatsoever on the scale all week!) So, because of all my diet mishaps Thursday and Friday and my carb-bloated belly Saturday as a result of those bad days I was feeling a little depressed thinking 'how will I ever be ready for this show in less than a week?' which was a new feeling for me as up to that point I had been SO excited and didn't even worry very seriously about looking bad and embarrassing up on the fitness stage. But this morning I feel like a new woman ready to compete on Saturday!!! Soooo, this week I am cutting all salt out of my diet, upping my cardio time and intensity (even more if that's possible!), changing up my weight routine a bit to be even more sweaty circuit training style than it already is, working on my figure poses and routine, putting the final touches on my bikini and costumes, and... the fun part... getting beautiful!!! I've got beauty appointments booked all week (finally some relaxation payback for all this work) - hair, waxing, mani/pedi, massage, tan, etc. YAY! I've been down for my early morning cardio this morning (think I really need to stop reading fitness magazines while stair climbing or biking and kick the intensity up a notch - god I'm obsessed with fitness mags and have to buy every one as soon as they hit the stands including heavy-duty men's ones like Musclemag and Flex! I tell myself, soon I will be in them!) I'll be working back, biceps, and abs in a bit, plus a little more cardio. Then running to the studio with Zak in the jog stroller, practising posing, routine, etc. with my girls at the studio, and maybe running home (depending on if hubby picks me up at the end of the night, or not). I love Mondays - WOO-HOO!!!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Thursday, June 11, 2009
OK, so I just officially registered online for the competition I'm doing in two weeks from this Saturday in Ottawa (OMG!) I made the decision to compete in Figure instead of Fitness as well as the Athletic Model category. I was having a lot of difficulty with my fitness routine (cause I'm so not a gymnast) and even though I don't usually like being too realistic, but I was trying to tap into some sort of rational thinking the other day after I worked on my routine and realized I only have 2 weeks left to polish it... The Neutron Figure category requires you to do a figure routine (which is a little less acrobatic and more free than the fitness routine) which means I'll still get to do a routine, but maybe I won't look like a total geek. So today I will be re-working my routine to include less acrobats and more poses. I feel so excited about my new decision - I have renewed energy as I feel I have a shot at this now! In addition to the quarter turns in the physique round of this Figure competition I'm going to have to do 5 mandatory bodybuilding type poses which I know nothing about so I've definitely got my work cut out for me! On the physique front, I have been trying a high protein and way lower carb diet and it has been going really well! I got to 146 pounds this week, with my goal for tomorrow being 145 - so we'll see if I make that! My upper body is responding really well to my strict diet and heavy workouts, but I really need my lower belly and thighs to catch up now!!! I'm thinking positive about it and think I might be seeing a tiny bit of progress in my upper legs now that I'm doing low/almost no carbs - yay!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
2nd post for May 28th!!!
WOW, two posts in one day - I must be feeling good, or maybe need to unload some stuff that's been rattling around in my head for a bit now to make room for new fresh stuff!
What I've been thinking a lot about lately is how I had SO much free time to do whatever I wanted like work-out, work on my fitness routine, work on my business, etc. before having my baby. Now I have Zak, and it is super-awesome but as most of you know or can imagine having a baby is very time-consuming. Many mothers complain that they don't have enough time to work-out on a regular basis and that they'll never get back into shape. Well, I want to be their inspiration and show that it can be done. I have totally looked towards many fitness competitors like Jennifer Nicole Lee, Mindi O'Brien, Fran Dennis, and others for my own inspiration. They have babies and come back strong onto the fitness scene sometimes looking even better than before their baby/ies! When I first started thinking about the less time to yourself idea I thought, 'I really had it made all those years before I had a baby... I had all day to work-out and eat 5 clean meals a day, etc.' And while I did compete in fitness competitions here and there, and was generally fairly fit, I never really took it to the next level in the time I really should have (when I was younger and had time for all of that stuff). But, then I got thinking I feel way more focused and determined now than I ever did back then. Maybe it's because I have less time and energy, I need to really make my gym time count, I really need to get up that extra hour early to squeeze my early-morning cardio in before Zak wakes up, and of course I want to show everyone it can be done with a baby no less!!! Also, I think it's a matter of we sometimes don't realize how precious something is until it's taken away from us or not available all the time (like work-out time). So now when Zak actually cooperates and sleeps for a few hours and I can bring him down to the gym with me and get an awesome work-out in without interruptions it's like gold! I definitely took it for granted before baby! This should be a lesson to people without kids who can totally focus on their training 100% all the time(oh, and I know all the child-less people are going to say, but I have work and relationships, and social life that always seem to take all my time away from the gym - but just remember, I've got that all too as well as the baby), but I know to really understand some things you need to live them sometimes (unfortunately - it's like one of those 'I wish that I knew what I know now when I was younger' moments! I have a lot of those, like I wish I could go back to high school knowing everything I know now - ha ha ha!
Before I had a baby people who had kids would tell me "oh, you can get so fit and work-out so much because you don't have any kids - just wait...", now I have a kid and some of those people see I'm getting into shape and they're saying "ya, but you only have one - wait till you have more!" Throughout my career as a dance instructor, I've also had similar people say "You can do that because you're so young - just wait till you get old like me!" I'm starting to not be so young so I feel like they'll quiet down on that, but there always seems to be something... these people will always find a reason not to achieve their goals and blame is part of the game. They're always more hard off than anyone else. I have vowed not to ever become like this no matter how many babies I have, or how old I get! Will this never end? I guess not, I just have to forget about haters and hope I can inspire others!
OK, end of rant session! Thanks for listening!
What I've been thinking a lot about lately is how I had SO much free time to do whatever I wanted like work-out, work on my fitness routine, work on my business, etc. before having my baby. Now I have Zak, and it is super-awesome but as most of you know or can imagine having a baby is very time-consuming. Many mothers complain that they don't have enough time to work-out on a regular basis and that they'll never get back into shape. Well, I want to be their inspiration and show that it can be done. I have totally looked towards many fitness competitors like Jennifer Nicole Lee, Mindi O'Brien, Fran Dennis, and others for my own inspiration. They have babies and come back strong onto the fitness scene sometimes looking even better than before their baby/ies! When I first started thinking about the less time to yourself idea I thought, 'I really had it made all those years before I had a baby... I had all day to work-out and eat 5 clean meals a day, etc.' And while I did compete in fitness competitions here and there, and was generally fairly fit, I never really took it to the next level in the time I really should have (when I was younger and had time for all of that stuff). But, then I got thinking I feel way more focused and determined now than I ever did back then. Maybe it's because I have less time and energy, I need to really make my gym time count, I really need to get up that extra hour early to squeeze my early-morning cardio in before Zak wakes up, and of course I want to show everyone it can be done with a baby no less!!! Also, I think it's a matter of we sometimes don't realize how precious something is until it's taken away from us or not available all the time (like work-out time). So now when Zak actually cooperates and sleeps for a few hours and I can bring him down to the gym with me and get an awesome work-out in without interruptions it's like gold! I definitely took it for granted before baby! This should be a lesson to people without kids who can totally focus on their training 100% all the time(oh, and I know all the child-less people are going to say, but I have work and relationships, and social life that always seem to take all my time away from the gym - but just remember, I've got that all too as well as the baby), but I know to really understand some things you need to live them sometimes (unfortunately - it's like one of those 'I wish that I knew what I know now when I was younger' moments! I have a lot of those, like I wish I could go back to high school knowing everything I know now - ha ha ha!
Before I had a baby people who had kids would tell me "oh, you can get so fit and work-out so much because you don't have any kids - just wait...", now I have a kid and some of those people see I'm getting into shape and they're saying "ya, but you only have one - wait till you have more!" Throughout my career as a dance instructor, I've also had similar people say "You can do that because you're so young - just wait till you get old like me!" I'm starting to not be so young so I feel like they'll quiet down on that, but there always seems to be something... these people will always find a reason not to achieve their goals and blame is part of the game. They're always more hard off than anyone else. I have vowed not to ever become like this no matter how many babies I have, or how old I get! Will this never end? I guess not, I just have to forget about haters and hope I can inspire others!
OK, end of rant session! Thanks for listening!
Thursday, May 28, 2009

Today I had lots of great news! First of all I weighted myself this morning and I was just under 150 finally - that was awesome! So now I have 10 pounds to lose this month before my first competition. That's crazy - just a month left until my first competition - getting nervous (mostly about my routine, but also my body) but I'm feeling really positive about it! I hope to lose even more pounds (maybe 5 more) to get ultra-ripped for my second competition on July 11th! I've been trying to focus on my back and glute training more than ever and tons of cardio to blast all the fat leading up to these competitions as I feel these are my weak areas!
I'm so addicted to fitness and bodybuilding podcasts lately... I just listen to them all day around the house to keep me inspired and motivated! AND, I'm planning to air my own anyday podcasts (both for fitness & bellydance) now - I'll keep you posted on that!
I also got the good news this morning that one of my fitness articles is going to be published in Physique Magazine (a bodybuilding magazine from Dubai)! I've been busy writing quite a few new fitness articles and hopefully they'll all be published all over in the next little while!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Had an awesome long weekend full of fun, but also full of fattening un-fitness-y foods!!! I hung out with some friends Friday night, went to an awesome wedding Saturday night, a BBQ on Sunday, and worked on my fitness posing and routine with my girls on Monday, then hung out with family afterwards. I also got to check out the IDFA Novice Classic competition on Saturday! Wow, after seeing all those insanely conditioned physiques I thought I'd be able to stay clean through all my social stuff, but no - too much beer, cake, ice cream, pasta, and bread this weekend, but I did manage to workout every day and eat totally clean throughout the day (just splurging at night). And Monday (yesterday) I was back ON! We even ended up at my fave Greek restaurant and I just had a salad with chicken breast instead of my usual deep fried seafood, bread, potatoes, and rice!!! I think I often use the excuse of the fact that I don't want to be the girly girl who just eats salad and doesn't drink beer, etc. But I'm starting to realize that no one really notices that as long as you don't make a big deal about it, so I don't really think I have to shovel 3 slices of cake into my mouth to be fun!!! I can't believe my first competition is in less than 6 weeks!!! I must must must be super-strict from now on, and just keep envisioning all those crazy amazing muscular backs at the IDFA show this past Saturday - they were AWESOME!!! Bye for now!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
OK, so last time I wrote I was all over the place and feeling like I had totally hit a plateau. This week is the polar opposite! I overcame my weight plateau - I'm now at 155 lbs - yay! My goal for the Ms. Fitness COmpetition on June 27th is to be 140, so I have 15 to go in 6 1/2 weeks which is do-able. Then I plan on losing a few more pounds to get super-ripped for the IDFA FIgure competiton 2 weeks later on July 11th! I got so used to losing up to 15 pounds a month at one point when I was at my heaviest and I think it's taking a bit of a mindset adjustment to get used to the fact that it will just get harder and harder the closer I am to a normal healthy weight (when I don't have s SO much excess to lose)! I managed to stay clean with my eating all weekend (which is always hard for me). I just have to keep thinking about my very favourite quote... I don't know whose it is, but it goes "What's more painful in life... discipline, or regret?" SO SO true! I know I'm gonna compete in less than 2 months so I'd better just get as good as I can! I worked on my routine a bit yesterday and it's still a mess, but at least I'm working on it now!!! I've altered my diet to include less carbs and more protein (and definitely less peanut butter and honey - my weaknesses even when eating clean) and I've added an extra early morning cardio at 5am (sneak down to the gym before my 2 guys get up!)so I'm feeling like more results will be on the way!
Monday, May 4, 2009
Monday, May 4, 2009
This past weekend was a bit of a challenge for me fitness-wise and life-wise in general. I was a bit all over the place for so many different reasons this weekend... Friday we hung out with some friends and had a happy time eating bad foods (nachos and a few sips of beer!) Saturday I was back on the fitness train - eating totally clean, teaching all day, and working out lots, then Sunday started out awesome with a nice sunny 10K run with my good friend, a nice healthy breakfast, long luxurious shower (very infrequent lately with a baby!), then I got all dressed up in some new clothes I bought this week (not my usual sweaty workout gear) for my day off. Me and my hubby were house-hunting. Despite finding an awesome house we both agreed on, the day went a little sour, next thing you know, I'm shovelling all sorts of bad white carbs into my mouth for the rest of the evening (which of course usually makes me feel even worse). I woke up this morning feeling really exhausted and mentally worn out. Slept in a bit and decided not to work out this morning. I got back into my clean eating and I will be meeting up with my fitness girls later at the studio to work on posing and routine stuff. I know that will re-inspire me! Plus, I think I'll run to and from the studio to sneak in an hour of cardio!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Wed. April 29, 2009
Yesterday my main mid-morning work-out really sucked because Zak wasn't asleep so I got 10 minutes warm-up cardio, and only half of my leg/butt weight workout in (with cardio bursts instead of rests). I was really bummed as I knew I wouldn't have time to get much more of a workout in. But by late last night I felt totally worked-out... how did this happen? Well, I did something I've never really believed in, but I guess now this is the way I should do things! You know how people say every little bit counts - do squats while you're waiting for something to cook, take the stairs instead of the elevator, etc. and it all adds up at the end of the day. I've usually been of the mentality that I need to be sweating it out consistently in the gym for an hour and a half or so to feel I really got a useful workout that will make a difference. With a baby this can sometimes be quite challenging and I find myself going down to the gym 2 or 3 times a day sometimes to get enough of a workout. Yesterday there was no time for a few visits to the gym and I had no option but to try to do little things throughout the day to make up for my shortened workout and it really did work! My body felt more exhausted last night than it does on days when I get to the gym for a full workout! So, after my gym time, I tried to do leg exercises anywhere I was standing - squats with Zak for weight while waiting for the laundry, leg extensions waiting for the elevator, squat jumps anytime, plus I ran with the jog stroller to the studio (30 minutes), taught my 3 classes, then ran home after (25 minutes)! I think even if I get my full workout in I'll just keep doing stuff throughout the day like this to add to my training! You just have to be willing to be a sweaty mess all day!
On another note, I feel I've hit a bit of a weight plateau... I've been hovering around 159/160 lbs for about 2 weeks now and it hasn't budged this week yet. I'm hoping I'll weigh myself today and will have lost 3 pounds magically, but I doubt it! I guess I have to really tighten up my diet a bit more! No more peanut butter or honey (my only clean eating guilty pleasures) and up my cardio!
On another note, I feel I've hit a bit of a weight plateau... I've been hovering around 159/160 lbs for about 2 weeks now and it hasn't budged this week yet. I'm hoping I'll weigh myself today and will have lost 3 pounds magically, but I doubt it! I guess I have to really tighten up my diet a bit more! No more peanut butter or honey (my only clean eating guilty pleasures) and up my cardio!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Some updates first... I ate really super-clean all week and weekend, until Sunday when I decided to have a cheat meal. I wasn't too bad having multigrain nachos with guacamole and salsa, but then I returned to old habits and felt I needed sweets! I had some cake, but that didn't seem to do do it for me, so I had some fudge, that wasn't hitting the spot either, I had a cookie - nope, and I think after all this bad sweet stuff I see I'm not so crazy about sweets anymore (which is crazy if you know me!) My tummy felt sick the rest of the night and all of Monday after eating so badly, but it was worth it because I learned something valuable about myself and I can stop dreaming about sweets as they aren't so good once I allow myself to have them!
Yesterday I finally implemented my early-morning run strategy to get more cardio in. Got up at 4:30am (before my baby) and ran for 45 minutes. It was so easy without pushing the jog stroller, it felt like flying! Then I did my second workout of 30 more minutes of cardio and shoulders with cardio spurts between sets instead of rests. Me and my girls who are doing the competition with me got together at the studio and worked on our quarter turns and posing. We videotaped it to check out what we had to work on. My main problems are my shoulder inbalance and my whole lower body! I feel my upper body is looking muscular and starting to lean out, but everything from the bellybutton down is being really stubborn! Hopefully my special butt and ab blasting weight workouts and my extra cardio will help out with this! I can't believe I only have 2 months until my first competition and I'm this far from my goal! I'm also getting a little concerned about my fitness routine... I haven't worked on it for a while and last night I went over it a bit and I can't do any of the hard moves in it yet - must commit to working a little bit on it every day from now on!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
So, my baby has had a cold for the past 3 days and it has been quite challenging to keep up with my usual workouts, as well as adding extra cardio (which was my plan for this week to kick my fat-burning up a notch!), but I think I've been doing pretty good considering the circumstances (crazy crying sad baby that doesn't want to eat or sleep much!) I've gotten about an hour of cardio total each day this week, plus intense weight workouts with cardio blasts instead of rests between sets! I've had to go down to the gym when someone else is here with the baby (usually later in the day) which is weird for me cause lately I've been used to going down with the baby and working out really early. I think I will try to get down to the gym early (4am?) before he gets up once he's through this cold (cuz he's up all night lately)to do my extra cardio. I went to an IDFA Figure workshop this past Saturday and it was really inspiration and useful (especially since I've never competed with this particular association or in the figure category yet) I learned a lot of personal tips on my posing and have been practising what I learned every day since! I've been practising my walking in heels and posing a bit over the past few months, but not enough. You think the prep for a competition is all about working out and getting your appearance ready, but posing is a whole new skill to learn! I have reached my goal for last week (160lbs) yesterday so that was good (better late then never)! I still have about 25 lbs to lose by June 26th!!! That will be hard, but I will do it!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Thursday, April 2, 2009
OK, so I've made the decision... I will compete in the earlier competition - Ms Fitness in Ottawa on June 27th! Saturday will be my official 12-weeks to go mark! I'm so excited and pumped about doing this competition. Also, a little terrified as I have tons of weight to lose and lots of firming up in the lower body to do, plus my fitness routine!!!! Yes, my fitness routine WILL be totally choreographed by April 11 (that gives me a week!) I really need to get moving on that as that's so challenging for me and I don't want it to be lame!
Yesterday I took photos of me in a bikini and compared them to the bikini shots I took 3 months ago at the start of this journey and wow, what a motivator that was!!! I can't believe how fat I was in the starting point pics, AND how far I've come! No, I'm definitely not in fitness competitor shape yet, but I'm worlds away from how I looked just 3 months ago! That's crazy to me that there can be such dramatic improvements in so little time! I measure myself monthly so I know the inches have been coming off fast, but I think a picture is worth a million words (or numbers in this case!) I highly recommend people take photos of themselves in a bikini to see what's what with their body and monitor progress!
Recently someone was asking how I deal with negativity from others, and although I'm not faced with too much negativity (I try to surround myself with positive people and usually my students are a pretty vibrant, positive bunch!), but I have had some negative vibes thrown my way at times (about my goals, fitness competitions, and of course bellydance!) I've just been thinking a lot about what it all means and how to cope with it... People don't always respond well to the unknown - and I think the world of fitness competitions is quite unknown and mysterious to most... Or people have the wrong idea about what it really is... Kinda like bellydance (when people think you're an exotic dancer, or that you're going to steal their husband after the show)! I also think people sometimes see us going for our dreams and working towards a big goal and get jealous that they aren't doing that themselves (whatever their goal might be). Too many people don't "feel the fear and do it anyway" (one of my mottos), they stay in their safe (easy) place in life. People often set low boundaries in life for themselves and then project them onto others thinking if they can't (or won't try) to do something, no one else can. I wish people would ask more of themselves so they wouldn't have to project their own feelings of inadequacy and regret onto others and we could all be happy, feeling positive, and reaching all of our goals together! I strive everyday to show people crazy goals that no one thought were possible are possible if you set your mind to it! Even the simple things, like after I had gained over 70 extra pounds while pregnant, everyone telling me that it would take at least a year to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight if I ever did... Well, I've already proved them wrong, I'm at my pre-pregnancy weight at 7 months out (4 of which I wasn't even working at it)and now I'm going to get even more fit and compete in June! I tend to tell people all about all my successes and achievements no matter how small, not because I like to brag (well, maybe that too a little - ha ha!), but because I want others to see how possible everything is if you decide to go for your goals!!! I can't wait to go public with my before, mid-point, and after pics because anyone who has any weight they wantt o lose will see how possible it is with healthy eating and regular exercise!
Yesterday I took photos of me in a bikini and compared them to the bikini shots I took 3 months ago at the start of this journey and wow, what a motivator that was!!! I can't believe how fat I was in the starting point pics, AND how far I've come! No, I'm definitely not in fitness competitor shape yet, but I'm worlds away from how I looked just 3 months ago! That's crazy to me that there can be such dramatic improvements in so little time! I measure myself monthly so I know the inches have been coming off fast, but I think a picture is worth a million words (or numbers in this case!) I highly recommend people take photos of themselves in a bikini to see what's what with their body and monitor progress!
Recently someone was asking how I deal with negativity from others, and although I'm not faced with too much negativity (I try to surround myself with positive people and usually my students are a pretty vibrant, positive bunch!), but I have had some negative vibes thrown my way at times (about my goals, fitness competitions, and of course bellydance!) I've just been thinking a lot about what it all means and how to cope with it... People don't always respond well to the unknown - and I think the world of fitness competitions is quite unknown and mysterious to most... Or people have the wrong idea about what it really is... Kinda like bellydance (when people think you're an exotic dancer, or that you're going to steal their husband after the show)! I also think people sometimes see us going for our dreams and working towards a big goal and get jealous that they aren't doing that themselves (whatever their goal might be). Too many people don't "feel the fear and do it anyway" (one of my mottos), they stay in their safe (easy) place in life. People often set low boundaries in life for themselves and then project them onto others thinking if they can't (or won't try) to do something, no one else can. I wish people would ask more of themselves so they wouldn't have to project their own feelings of inadequacy and regret onto others and we could all be happy, feeling positive, and reaching all of our goals together! I strive everyday to show people crazy goals that no one thought were possible are possible if you set your mind to it! Even the simple things, like after I had gained over 70 extra pounds while pregnant, everyone telling me that it would take at least a year to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight if I ever did... Well, I've already proved them wrong, I'm at my pre-pregnancy weight at 7 months out (4 of which I wasn't even working at it)and now I'm going to get even more fit and compete in June! I tend to tell people all about all my successes and achievements no matter how small, not because I like to brag (well, maybe that too a little - ha ha!), but because I want others to see how possible everything is if you decide to go for your goals!!! I can't wait to go public with my before, mid-point, and after pics because anyone who has any weight they wantt o lose will see how possible it is with healthy eating and regular exercise!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Haven't posted here for a little while... I've been SO busy! The pic to the R is of me and Gina (training for fitness with me) before we start practising our poses in our heels towering over cute little Stacey (one of my students) at my studio. I'm kinda bummed because IDFA ditched the fitness category for the Toronto Classic show I was training for. I will still compete at it in the figure division, but I still really want to compete in a fitness competition so I can do my new routine I've been working on. I'm thinking Ms. Fitness in Ottawa (either end of June or start of August (actually looking into that and making a decision is on my to do list for today!) I asked about the dropping of the fitness division for the Toronto Classic and was told there isn't enough interest from competiors for fitness, which I've noticed (the last few IDFA shows, there was only 1 or 2 competitors for fitness! It's really sad to me how the figure division kind of killed the fitness division... I guess competitors want the easier option. Don't get me wrong, I'm definitely no gymnast or anything, but I find the routine element in fitness is just such a crazy challenge for me, plus it's so much more entertaining for the audience to watch than just walking and posing (for figure). I think the physique for figure has often been a little more muscular than fitness (at least here in Canada), but lately there is quite a range in body sizes and styles showing up in figure so it's starting to look to me just like a fitness competition minus the most exciting part - the routine! I'm thinking of writing an article on this topic. My eating and working out is going pretty good lately, but I really want to try to do more hardcore cardio as well as not mess up quite so much with the eating on the weekends. But weights must be working - I was trying on little t-shirts and summer blouses in H & M yesterday and 2 of the sleeves didn't quite fit over my bulging biceps (the top was loose on my body otherwise)!!! I've never quite experienced that... I had to laugh!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Monday, March 2, 2009

Feeling great this Monday fitness-wise, but having all sorts of life complications otherwise. I'll update you on the great fitness stuff first... I finally did a whole week of strict clean eating and working out every day this week! I made it through the whole week-end without any eating slip-ups (so my weight is coming down consistently this week and weekend (actually got 1 pound below my goal weight for last week). My fitness routine music is totally done being edited (by my awesome husband) so now all I have to do is choreograph it and work on my strength and flexibilty moves (aaaahhhh - lots of work - must start sooooon!)
Lately I've been trying to stay my usual positive self, but have been noticing how very negative and uptight some people can be. It seems to be popping up everywhere in all arenas of my life lately and making me really think about who to surround myself with. I wish more people could see their own true potential and work positively to reach for what they truly want in life - the biggest boundaries in life are the boundaries you set for yourself!!!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
OK, so this Monday I started fresh once again. Lately I've been eating clean and working out lots all week, but then on the weekend I go crazy with bad foods and basically undo all my hard work from the previous week. My weight goes down a few pounds every week, but goes right back to what it was after the weekend. It's been about 3 weeks of this and now I've decided to get more hardcore and stop the weekend munchies! So far, so good (but it's only Tuesday!) I figure if I don't hunker down now, I will never be in the type of shape I want to be in to compete in July (and I've already decided I WILL NOT wimp out and not do the competition - it will happen!) I got my jog-stroller and that has helped me get more cardio in (it will be even more fun when it's a bit hotter out as I don't love to jog all bundled up in the cold). I really must get to working on my fitness routine this week! The music is almost done, now I need to find some time to choreograph it! I'm feeling stronger and stronger lately in the gym - I've been upping my weights lately and it feels good!
Friday, February 13, 2009
Friday, February 13, 2009
Baby's asleep and I'm researching jogging strollers... I was just watching X-Weighted (one of my fave weight loss inspiration shows) and the man was jogging everyday with his baby in a jogging stroller. I've been having trouble fitting both weights and a long enough session of cardio into Zak's shorter and shorter sleeps during the day, so I thought now that the weather will be getting better soon, a jogging stroller could be the answer to more cardio! This is exciting... there's an awesome path I used to run pre-baby by the water here that I can start taking advantage of again - yay!
This week was a little rocky with the showcase over the weekend, plus some unplanned last-minute real estate appointments through the week. I missed my workout on Tuesday and screwed up some eating on Saturday and Thursday (but not too too badly). I took my measurements and compared to my measurements in November (before I had even really started hardcore in Jan.), I've lost 6 inches off my hips, 5 inches off my chest (boo-hoo!), and 3 inches off my waist, plus a bit off my thighs, arms, and calves. My weight has gone down from 197 to 175 (22 pounds!) and I was even heavier than 197 right after birth! This is awesome to me and I'm so glad I wrote all this stuff down because it really gives you a sense of accomplishment. I mean I feel great and like my body is changing, but actually seeing the facts written is cool too!
Lately I've been coming up with all sorts of ideas that I want to do, like various shows, business ideas, new fitness goals, etc. But where's the time? I wish I could do everything my brain dreams of, but I guess I have to pick and choose! I'm trying to work on my business (finally get some promotional material made), develop my dance troupes further (one has a show coming up in the late spring/early summer), make my instructional bellydance DVDS (after years of saying I would), and of course, preparing for my fitness and figure competitions in July (I got my music done, now I just have to find some time to choreograph that routine!!!)
This week was a little rocky with the showcase over the weekend, plus some unplanned last-minute real estate appointments through the week. I missed my workout on Tuesday and screwed up some eating on Saturday and Thursday (but not too too badly). I took my measurements and compared to my measurements in November (before I had even really started hardcore in Jan.), I've lost 6 inches off my hips, 5 inches off my chest (boo-hoo!), and 3 inches off my waist, plus a bit off my thighs, arms, and calves. My weight has gone down from 197 to 175 (22 pounds!) and I was even heavier than 197 right after birth! This is awesome to me and I'm so glad I wrote all this stuff down because it really gives you a sense of accomplishment. I mean I feel great and like my body is changing, but actually seeing the facts written is cool too!
Lately I've been coming up with all sorts of ideas that I want to do, like various shows, business ideas, new fitness goals, etc. But where's the time? I wish I could do everything my brain dreams of, but I guess I have to pick and choose! I'm trying to work on my business (finally get some promotional material made), develop my dance troupes further (one has a show coming up in the late spring/early summer), make my instructional bellydance DVDS (after years of saying I would), and of course, preparing for my fitness and figure competitions in July (I got my music done, now I just have to find some time to choreograph that routine!!!)
Friday, February 6, 2009
Friday, February 6, 2009
It's been a little while since I posted last. I have been so crazy busy getting ready for my studio's student showcase which is tomorrow! It's very exciting seeing all my classes come together and look so good! It's also lots of work especially with a baby (it will be Zak's first studio showcase!)Plus my husband, who usually does a lot of the driving around and technical things on the day of won't be there this time (it's his cousins wedding). So, my workouts have been solid, but I reached for a few too many bad carbs through the stress of the past two days - like really bad carbs (popcorn, muffin, and yesterday a chocolate croissant from my favourite bakery by the studio!) I have vowed to be super-strict with my eating today so I get back on track, and so I'm not so puffed up by carbs for my first belly-baring show since baby on Saturday (need to get a mystic tan for that too in my busy day today). I was going to wear a one-piece costume for my solo tomorrow, but then I just thought "what the heck? I may not have my ideal body back, but I'm on the road back, and proud of what I've achieved so far!" and one of my students reminded me that I'm always encouraging them to love their bodies and be proud to show them off when performing, so I will do the same tomorrow (puffy baby belly and all!) Check out the studio showcase - more info and tickets at http://www.mayada.ca/events.htm
Friday, January 30, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
For a few weeks I've been losing a bit of weight consistently each week, but I wasn't feeling it was enough for all the work I've been doing lately... until today!!! I got on the scale today not expecting anything too different, but I had a 5 pound loss this week (since my weigh-in last Friday)!!! This totally fueled my back, bicep, and cardio workout today! I just have 30 pounds to go now - woo-hoo!
I have so much to write about here, but I'm in such a rush (trying to do 3 things at once before Zak wakes up)! I'll be back to post everything soon.
I have so much to write about here, but I'm in such a rush (trying to do 3 things at once before Zak wakes up)! I'll be back to post everything soon.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
OK, so my training and eating is going really well lately. I've been re-inspired because I've roped one of my students into doing the IDFA competition in July with me! I tried to get a group of girls from my studio to do it, but only one was ready for the challenge this time (hopefully next time, the rest of you guys will be with us!)
I'm not working out today for two reasons and they both come from my experience yesterday... I think I'm a little nuts, here's what happened: My baby had a doctor's appointment yesterday, and before that I had a class at the studio. There was a big snow storm and the sidewalk was full of snow. Usually I would put Zak in the carrier and take the TTC in this type of unshovelled snow, but I knew someone was picking me up in a car after the class so I needed the carseat (which fits into the stroller). I can't manage getting the big stroller onto streetcars, so I felt my only option was to walk (even through all that snow)! My stroller doesn't have big snow tires so I felt like I was plowing my way through snow uphill, I felt like a football player ramming into one of those things they use in training. I almost turned back after walking for a few blocks, but then what? Cancel everything for the day? That wasn't an option in my mind! I continued on and it took me double the time that it usually takes (about 2 hours of this plowing walking in the snow!) As I was walking I started thinking what a nut-case I am... who does this type of thing? I usually pride myself on being 'hardcore', but this was just silly - I think I make my life a lot harder than it has to be. So, I've resolved to try to be a bit more reasonable about stuff from now on! So, back to why I'm not working out today... I feel I got enough cardio and strength training in that walk to take care of me for quite some time! I am so so sore all over (mainly my back, shoulders, triceps, and wrists from all that pushing) plus I feel like I might be coming down with a cold so I think I'll just try to relax a bit today before my classes tonight at the studio so I can feel better.
I'm not working out today for two reasons and they both come from my experience yesterday... I think I'm a little nuts, here's what happened: My baby had a doctor's appointment yesterday, and before that I had a class at the studio. There was a big snow storm and the sidewalk was full of snow. Usually I would put Zak in the carrier and take the TTC in this type of unshovelled snow, but I knew someone was picking me up in a car after the class so I needed the carseat (which fits into the stroller). I can't manage getting the big stroller onto streetcars, so I felt my only option was to walk (even through all that snow)! My stroller doesn't have big snow tires so I felt like I was plowing my way through snow uphill, I felt like a football player ramming into one of those things they use in training. I almost turned back after walking for a few blocks, but then what? Cancel everything for the day? That wasn't an option in my mind! I continued on and it took me double the time that it usually takes (about 2 hours of this plowing walking in the snow!) As I was walking I started thinking what a nut-case I am... who does this type of thing? I usually pride myself on being 'hardcore', but this was just silly - I think I make my life a lot harder than it has to be. So, I've resolved to try to be a bit more reasonable about stuff from now on! So, back to why I'm not working out today... I feel I got enough cardio and strength training in that walk to take care of me for quite some time! I am so so sore all over (mainly my back, shoulders, triceps, and wrists from all that pushing) plus I feel like I might be coming down with a cold so I think I'll just try to relax a bit today before my classes tonight at the studio so I can feel better.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Thursday, January 22, 2009
I'm a little bummed because my condo gym has reeked of paint and chemicals for the past two days so I haven't been able to get my regular workouts in... I personally wouldn't usually worry too much about fumes, but since I bring Zak down with me I don't want to subject him to these bad fumes! I got him all asleep yesterday, got myself together, and got down to the gym yesterday only to smell the gym and have to head right back up to my apartment. I did do a workout at home instead, but I didn't feel the same intensity as if I had been in the gym (being in a gym environment always inspires me!) I did a leg workout using only body weight, had to skip shoulders as I don't have any weights at home, then I did a cardio DVD, but Zak was waking up by then and I didn't make it through the whole thing :< Today the gym still stinks so I think I'll just take the day off from working out today (I'll walk to the studio and teach 4 classes later tonight). It had better be better by tomorrow... if not, I'll have to go into the studio to work-out!
On a nother note, I watched the movie The Wrestler a few days ago. I had heard it was a terrific movie, that MIckey Rourke was awesome in it, plus a while back I thought I wanted to be a professional wrestler (and even started training for it)! Well, what a totally sad and depressing movie it was! Mickey Rourke was truly amazing in his role as Randy "The Ram" Robinson, but I wasn't quite ready for such a deep tear-jerker. And I can't get it out of my mind days later - this movie is one that will stay with me for a long time (much like El Cantante, bio of salsa great, Hector Lavoe, which I LOVED!) I often like the idea of being obsessed about things in life like my dance and fitness, but this movie really shows you what happens if you're too obsessed with something and you lose all balance in life. I used to be very one-tracked about bellydance in my youth and that's how I progressed quickly (I often feel students aren't committed enough - they're not standing in front of their bedroom mirror practising every detail of their undulations for hours on end like I did when I was 15), but they aren't 15... and there is so much more in life to think about - work, kids, family, other passions and hobbies, relaxation, etc. I think you can become an exceptional artist by being so obsessive and having your whole life devoted to one topic, but then when you're old and grey, will that be enough? On that note I've decided I need a bit of relaxation time - maybe tomorrow... shopping, massage, tv? The past week has been so frantic with getting my bellydance magazine (MID-BITS) out, preparing for my studio student showcase, working out and cooking healthy meals, getting computer work done, and of course dealing with my baby, I haven't had a moment to myself to relax!!!
On a nother note, I watched the movie The Wrestler a few days ago. I had heard it was a terrific movie, that MIckey Rourke was awesome in it, plus a while back I thought I wanted to be a professional wrestler (and even started training for it)! Well, what a totally sad and depressing movie it was! Mickey Rourke was truly amazing in his role as Randy "The Ram" Robinson, but I wasn't quite ready for such a deep tear-jerker. And I can't get it out of my mind days later - this movie is one that will stay with me for a long time (much like El Cantante, bio of salsa great, Hector Lavoe, which I LOVED!) I often like the idea of being obsessed about things in life like my dance and fitness, but this movie really shows you what happens if you're too obsessed with something and you lose all balance in life. I used to be very one-tracked about bellydance in my youth and that's how I progressed quickly (I often feel students aren't committed enough - they're not standing in front of their bedroom mirror practising every detail of their undulations for hours on end like I did when I was 15), but they aren't 15... and there is so much more in life to think about - work, kids, family, other passions and hobbies, relaxation, etc. I think you can become an exceptional artist by being so obsessive and having your whole life devoted to one topic, but then when you're old and grey, will that be enough? On that note I've decided I need a bit of relaxation time - maybe tomorrow... shopping, massage, tv? The past week has been so frantic with getting my bellydance magazine (MID-BITS) out, preparing for my studio student showcase, working out and cooking healthy meals, getting computer work done, and of course dealing with my baby, I haven't had a moment to myself to relax!!!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
I can't believe how much easier it is to eat clean now that I have a baby to take care of... I know this is the exact opposite of what most new mothers feel, but I feel like as long as I have tons of healthy food choices in my fridge, it's so easy for me to just grab healthy food. I don't have the free time to dream about and eat bad foods recreationally - I feel like I need food for fuel, not fun! I no longer have the problem of eating too much, now I'm trying to find the time to fit in all my meals! Plus, since it's so freezing out we haven't been walking around town so much, so that takes out a whole other temptation factor (I tend to make bad food choices when I'm passing by Baskin Robbins, Harveys, beef patties, etc.)
My workout got cut short a bit this morning (Zak woke up!) I got my chest and triceps done, started running on the treadmill, but only got to 10 minutes on there. So, we went back up to my apartment and I fed him, then I tried to do a Tae Bo DVD, but Zak was really annoyed with me and wouldn't calm down, so I stopped after 20 minutes of that. 30 minutes of cardio isn't bad, but I feel I need to do more like 45 - 60 minutes of hard cardio each day so I can blast this fat fast!
My workout got cut short a bit this morning (Zak woke up!) I got my chest and triceps done, started running on the treadmill, but only got to 10 minutes on there. So, we went back up to my apartment and I fed him, then I tried to do a Tae Bo DVD, but Zak was really annoyed with me and wouldn't calm down, so I stopped after 20 minutes of that. 30 minutes of cardio isn't bad, but I feel I need to do more like 45 - 60 minutes of hard cardio each day so I can blast this fat fast!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Friday, January 16, 2009
OK, so everything was going great with my training and eating, then yesterday something hit me and I ate almost a whole bag of microwave popcorn in the middle of the day for no good reason!!! It's not a tragedy, I guess I just didn't really see that coming! I'm pretty sure it happened because I missed my workout yesterday... one of my downfalls is I'm a real all-or-nothing type of gal with almost everything I do, so if I work-out like crazy in the morning usually the rest of my day will be pretty healthy or else I feel like I wasted time busting my butt in the gym (I know some people see it a totally different way - that they worked out so they can eat a few more treats and not worry, but not me - I believe and know that food is the most important component to having a fit body - you can work-out till the cows come home, but you won't see real results without changing your diet!)So, when I don't work-out sometimes my mind thinks I'm on holiday in every way that day when really I should eat even cleaner with no work-out! Oh well, I did a bit of extra cardio today to make up for it, I also did my leg and shoulder workout that I should've done yesterday! I was down 2 more pounds this morning so I'm feeling re-inspired and back on track today!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Thursday, January 15, 2009
So, I've ended my detox... now I'm just eating healthy - basically almost the same as the detox except now I can eat my fave breakfast item - oatmeal! I've also managed to eat a few dabs of peanut butter over the past few days of finishing the detox (yum!) I'm feeling strong and not even really craving sweets lately (I think when I get them out of my system for a bit, I tend not to crave them so much which is awesome because sweets are my big downfall usually!)
I just updated the events page on www.meagan.ca and saw there are SO many cool fitness competitions coming up in April, May, and June! I wish I had got my act together a bit sooner so I could have taken part in some of these before my big comp I'm trainign for July 11. In the back of my mind I'm wondering if maybe I could do one before July... normally I would only need about 3 months to prep for a comp, but I'm SO out of shape at this point that I figure I need about double that. I'm going to just continue training and working out seriously and we'll see... usually that attitude doesn't work for me... I need a definite goal, I need to know I've committed to standing up on stage in a bilkini beside tons of beautifully ripped women to really get it together in time.
Lately I've been bugging students from my studio to train with me and do the July 11th fitness comp. Some are contemplating it which is so exciting! But, some say I'll train, but not do the competitiion... now, if you're anything like me, that means you won't get the same results cause in the back of your mind you know you didn't actually commit to getting up on stage in a bikini or doing a crazy fitness routine. I think fitness competitions are agreat way to force you to get in the best shape of your life, but you have to commit to a certain show!
I just updated the events page on www.meagan.ca and saw there are SO many cool fitness competitions coming up in April, May, and June! I wish I had got my act together a bit sooner so I could have taken part in some of these before my big comp I'm trainign for July 11. In the back of my mind I'm wondering if maybe I could do one before July... normally I would only need about 3 months to prep for a comp, but I'm SO out of shape at this point that I figure I need about double that. I'm going to just continue training and working out seriously and we'll see... usually that attitude doesn't work for me... I need a definite goal, I need to know I've committed to standing up on stage in a bilkini beside tons of beautifully ripped women to really get it together in time.
Lately I've been bugging students from my studio to train with me and do the July 11th fitness comp. Some are contemplating it which is so exciting! But, some say I'll train, but not do the competitiion... now, if you're anything like me, that means you won't get the same results cause in the back of your mind you know you didn't actually commit to getting up on stage in a bikini or doing a crazy fitness routine. I think fitness competitions are agreat way to force you to get in the best shape of your life, but you have to commit to a certain show!
Monday, January 12, 2009
Monday, January 12, 2009
Had a bit of a rough weekend eating-wise... I mean, it wasn't too bad for me, but some cheese and a potato creeped into my detox yesterday (oops!) We did our weekly visit to my husband's family's place and all I could eat detox-wise was hard-boiled eggs, so I ended up having some of my favourite Middle Eastern cheese too cause I was so hungry (I really didn't want to have to explain to them that I was on a detox - they already think I'm picky enough). Then I was starving as we came home and we grabbed Swiss Chalet - not terrible, but I opted for potato instead of a salad (booo!) Anyways, I'm back ON this morning. Eventhough I'm a little exhausted (baby decided to get up at 4am instead of his usual 6am to eat) I got down to the gym and did a hardcore shoulder, legs, and abs workout, and a 30 minute run on the treadmill. I didn't quite reach my goal weight for today, but it was a bit of a lofty dream to lose 5 pounds in a week (I just thought the detox would do that maybe), but I lost 3 pounds and I'm happy with that! I have so much work to take care of with my magazine coming out next week, my house is a mess, I've gotta do groceries TODAY, the studio showcase is coming up, and oh, now my baby's crying - better go!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Tuesday, January 6, 2009!
Got down to the gym again this morning while Zak napped. I was able to fit in a strong shoulder & leg workout, plus 35 minutes cardio. Later I'll be walking to the studio and teaching 2 classes which will hopefully make up for the short cardio session today. Eating is still going well and I haven't felt any temptation yet! I'm just finding that with a baby it's hard to get everything done when you want to workout and eat so regularly! In my new life I haven't managed to get any work done on my websites or mid-bits (my bellydance magazine that comes out in about 2 weeks!) let alone clean the house, etc! And I still haven't gotten to that stretching DVD I wanted to do every second day. I will make it work though - no excuses! I hear so many people make so many excuses for not being fit (and I admit I've made a few myself over the past year), but I really feel that the only person to blame for not being the best you is YOU! Fitness isn't a priority to many people, and that's cool, but it's a huge priority in my life - right up there with being a great mother, wife, daughter, and friend, because if you don't feel good physically, you can't feel confident to do all those other things! So, I will keep on trucking and keep you all posted as I go! Hope everyone else is having a healthy 2009 with me!
Monday, January 5, 2009
Feeling Awesome!
I feel like wonder woman today! After eating way too much junk over the holidays, I thought I would start the new year by doing a short detox. It's not a strict crazy type of detox or anything - it's basically lots of fresh veggies, brown rice, white meat, and some other stuff (no wheat, no dairy, no fruit) - I've done it a few times before - check out Dr. Joshi's Holistic Detox for more info and inspiration. He also has a holistic living book for maintenance after the detox. His books are so beautiful and make me want to be a healthier person when I flip through them - I highly recommend them (and often give them as gifts!) So, I started the detox on Saturday and feel awesome today because of it!
I also got down to my condo gym this morning with Zak (my baby) and he slept long enough to allow me to do my pre-planned tricep, chest, ab workout, plus 40 minutes intense cardio - YAY! Then I went walking around downtown all day with my mom getting errands done so that was an extra work-out (although I hardly ever feel like walking is much of a workout for me personally because I do it so much without thinking. Now I am home trying to get a bit of computer work done and maybe when Zak gets to sleep I might do a stretch DVD (as I really need to work on my flexibiliy if I want to do the fitness competition in July (and I do!)
I also got down to my condo gym this morning with Zak (my baby) and he slept long enough to allow me to do my pre-planned tricep, chest, ab workout, plus 40 minutes intense cardio - YAY! Then I went walking around downtown all day with my mom getting errands done so that was an extra work-out (although I hardly ever feel like walking is much of a workout for me personally because I do it so much without thinking. Now I am home trying to get a bit of computer work done and maybe when Zak gets to sleep I might do a stretch DVD (as I really need to work on my flexibiliy if I want to do the fitness competition in July (and I do!)
Sunday, January 4, 2009
HAPPY 2009!
I've got TONS of goals for 2009! My main fitness goals are to lose approximately 40 pounds of fat, re-gain some of the muscle I lost while pregnant, and compete in IDFA's Toronto Classic on July 11 with my best body yet! I've lost about 35 pounds since I had my baby at the end of August without really trying (a mixture of not having time to eat all day because I'm so busy with him, breastfeeding, and not hanging out at restaurants so much), I've been teaching my dance and exercise classes, walking a lot (it's too hard to get on streetcars with a big stroller), and getting down to the gym a bit, but thus far my fitness efforts have been pretty sporadic and lazy in my mind... which is fine - I don't mind that I gave myself a few months to re-adjust my new life as a mom without throwing myself right back into super- workout-girl-mode as soon as I got home from the hospital. But, now It think it's time to get crazy!!! I've set a very reasonable goal of competing in July, so I have 7 months to get ripped! I'm so excited about getting more serious about my training (and less excited about super clean eating). Now I just have to decide if I'm going to compete in fitness or figure... Getting a fitness routine together now that I've been out of the scene for so long may be challenging, but I might try! I'll keep you posted! HAPPY NEW YEAR!
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