So, my last competition of 2009 was this past weekend. I competed in both Fitness Model and Open Figure categories at IDFA's Canadian Classic. It was a totally awesome experience with quite large and impressive groups of ladies competing! I definitely didn't take enough time to prep for this competition and I knew going in that I wasn't really lean anough (I actually almost pulled out of the Figure category at the last minute because of this, but didn't and was glad I didn't). I was really happy to see such large groups as that always means there's more of a variety of types of bodies so it's not like I'd be the only one without razor-sharp muscles and six-pack abs. I was definitely relying heavily on the 5 inch heels and a super dark tan to bring my physique up a bit! So, when I got my spray tan the night before I got 3 coats instead of my usual 2, and I felt dark enough this time which was awesome! I had decided not to wear my figure bikini for the Fitness Model round and had spent the 2 days before the competition buying, and altering a bikini I had found at a shop on Yonge St. I was a little worried about it and had to totally pin and tape myself into it all to make it secure and look ok, but in the end I really loved the look of it and I got so many comments on that bikini! It was good to have very different looks for the two very different categories. The Fitness Model category was new for IDFA (they usually just have Figure and Bodybuilding), so no one really knew what to expect in terms of what exactly they were looking for in bikinis, poses, and physiques. It seemed they picked quite a similar look to Figure in the end which I think some people may have been a little surprised by as why have the 2 separate categories if there's no difference? I don't know... I felt really off and like I had back-tracked in my progress from my competitions in June and July (which didn't feel good). But my mom snapped some photos of me and even videotaped my little walk in Fitness Model in the daytime prelims. So, in between shows I looked at those and I felt quite a bit better! My body wasn't exactly how I'd like it to look for competition, but it also wasn't as bad as I had thought! I think I should aim for about 10 pounds lighter for my next competitions. Just a bit less chub on my lower body. Today I was looking at pics from the Neutron competition in October and the pics from this competition (which was 3 weeks later) and I see a big difference between them (I did lean out a bit) so that's cool! I really should be competing at the end of November so I could get the right look as I'm so close, but I feel a little overtrained and dieted out at this point, so I'm going to relax and start training smart in January for all the competitions I plan to do in June and July!!! I'm working on formulating my plan to make my body more symmetrical since a lot of the feedback I get is about my lower body overpowering my upper body. I don't particularly want to increase my muscles in my upper body (other thana bit more back/V-taper), so I think I will try to decrease the muscles in my quads and abs (I want a waist!) and then of course, the main thing will be leaning out enough that the fat leaves my problem areas (lower abs and legs). Not being totally ready for these past 2 competitions really has inspired and motivated me to be extra ready and looking my very best at the next ones I compete in! I ate some bad stuff this weekend and felt totally ill from it all. After my pizza and sweets after the competition on Saturday, I had a really dizzy/drugged-feeling day yesterday that was not very pleasant. So, today I started my day right with cottage cheese! I'm not saying I'm gonna be totally clean all week, but I'm also not going to cheat all week as I thought I would allow myself to do after these comps and going so hardcore for the past 2 weeks. Why would I (or anyone else) ever want to feel so bloated, low energy and gross? To keep me on track, I also have my vacation to Dominican Republic at the end of November where I'll be living in a bikini so that should be good! Talk soon!
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