Thursday, January 22, 2009

Thursday, January 22, 2009

I'm a little bummed because my condo gym has reeked of paint and chemicals for the past two days so I haven't been able to get my regular workouts in... I personally wouldn't usually worry too much about fumes, but since I bring Zak down with me I don't want to subject him to these bad fumes! I got him all asleep yesterday, got myself together, and got down to the gym yesterday only to smell the gym and have to head right back up to my apartment. I did do a workout at home instead, but I didn't feel the same intensity as if I had been in the gym (being in a gym environment always inspires me!) I did a leg workout using only body weight, had to skip shoulders as I don't have any weights at home, then I did a cardio DVD, but Zak was waking up by then and I didn't make it through the whole thing :< Today the gym still stinks so I think I'll just take the day off from working out today (I'll walk to the studio and teach 4 classes later tonight). It had better be better by tomorrow... if not, I'll have to go into the studio to work-out!

On a nother note, I watched the movie The Wrestler a few days ago. I had heard it was a terrific movie, that MIckey Rourke was awesome in it, plus a while back I thought I wanted to be a professional wrestler (and even started training for it)! Well, what a totally sad and depressing movie it was! Mickey Rourke was truly amazing in his role as Randy "The Ram" Robinson, but I wasn't quite ready for such a deep tear-jerker. And I can't get it out of my mind days later - this movie is one that will stay with me for a long time (much like El Cantante, bio of salsa great, Hector Lavoe, which I LOVED!) I often like the idea of being obsessed about things in life like my dance and fitness, but this movie really shows you what happens if you're too obsessed with something and you lose all balance in life. I used to be very one-tracked about bellydance in my youth and that's how I progressed quickly (I often feel students aren't committed enough - they're not standing in front of their bedroom mirror practising every detail of their undulations for hours on end like I did when I was 15), but they aren't 15... and there is so much more in life to think about - work, kids, family, other passions and hobbies, relaxation, etc. I think you can become an exceptional artist by being so obsessive and having your whole life devoted to one topic, but then when you're old and grey, will that be enough? On that note I've decided I need a bit of relaxation time - maybe tomorrow... shopping, massage, tv? The past week has been so frantic with getting my bellydance magazine (MID-BITS) out, preparing for my studio student showcase, working out and cooking healthy meals, getting computer work done, and of course dealing with my baby, I haven't had a moment to myself to relax!!!

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