Monday, January 12, 2009

Monday, January 12, 2009

Had a bit of a rough weekend eating-wise... I mean, it wasn't too bad for me, but some cheese and a potato creeped into my detox yesterday (oops!) We did our weekly visit to my husband's family's place and all I could eat detox-wise was hard-boiled eggs, so I ended up having some of my favourite Middle Eastern cheese too cause I was so hungry (I really didn't want to have to explain to them that I was on a detox - they already think I'm picky enough). Then I was starving as we came home and we grabbed Swiss Chalet - not terrible, but I opted for potato instead of a salad (booo!) Anyways, I'm back ON this morning. Eventhough I'm a little exhausted (baby decided to get up at 4am instead of his usual 6am to eat) I got down to the gym and did a hardcore shoulder, legs, and abs workout, and a 30 minute run on the treadmill. I didn't quite reach my goal weight for today, but it was a bit of a lofty dream to lose 5 pounds in a week (I just thought the detox would do that maybe), but I lost 3 pounds and I'm happy with that! I have so much work to take care of with my magazine coming out next week, my house is a mess, I've gotta do groceries TODAY, the studio showcase is coming up, and oh, now my baby's crying - better go!

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