Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

OK, so last time I wrote I was all over the place and feeling like I had totally hit a plateau. This week is the polar opposite! I overcame my weight plateau - I'm now at 155 lbs - yay! My goal for the Ms. Fitness COmpetition on June 27th is to be 140, so I have 15 to go in 6 1/2 weeks which is do-able. Then I plan on losing a few more pounds to get super-ripped for the IDFA FIgure competiton 2 weeks later on July 11th! I got so used to losing up to 15 pounds a month at one point when I was at my heaviest and I think it's taking a bit of a mindset adjustment to get used to the fact that it will just get harder and harder the closer I am to a normal healthy weight (when I don't have s SO much excess to lose)! I managed to stay clean with my eating all weekend (which is always hard for me). I just have to keep thinking about my very favourite quote... I don't know whose it is, but it goes "What's more painful in life... discipline, or regret?" SO SO true! I know I'm gonna compete in less than 2 months so I'd better just get as good as I can! I worked on my routine a bit yesterday and it's still a mess, but at least I'm working on it now!!! I've altered my diet to include less carbs and more protein (and definitely less peanut butter and honey - my weaknesses even when eating clean) and I've added an extra early morning cardio at 5am (sneak down to the gym before my 2 guys get up!)so I'm feeling like more results will be on the way!

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