My prep for my competition next Saturday is going well, plus I have a fun beach photo shoot this coming Wednesday with my fitness girls, Camille and Gina and our favourite photographer, Samira! Just found some adorable new bikinis at H & M for that.
Today I thought I'd post about something that is really irritating me lately... and that is people saying they feel sorry for me cause I'm not eating junk lately and saying they can't wait till I can eat again, etc. So, I was trying to explain to some of my students last night that there's no need to feel sorry for me... I'm having a totally awesome time creating the body of my dreams! Yes, it means I miss out on some goodies along the way, but what your life is is all about what your priorities are. Right now, my main priorities in life have to do with my baby, my career, and my fitness. Some people's priorities in life right now might be enjoying yummy food and drinks while socializing with friends or trying the newest restaurants with their significant other and that's fine (I've been there too - how do you think I gained so much excess weight during my pregnancy?), I'm not judging these people and saying "gee, I feel sorry for you - too bad you can't take off that last ten pounds!" right? that would be awfully mean! And so I just want to get it out there that no one has to feel sorry for me, I am feeling better than I've ever felt in my life, better than I'd feel eating a big old cupcake every few days. Plus, if you know me well, you know I do indulge in a cheat meal (or day) at least every week - it keeps me sane! As for the comment of "I can't wait till you can eat again" - First of all, I do eat... I eat a lot... 5 - 6 meals a day of nutrient-rich veggies and power-packed proteins, I never find myself hungry, and I usually have lots of energy from this type of healthy eating, I know what people are referring to really is when will I be with them indulging in all those yummy fatty foods like nachos, burgers, beer, and sweets? This lifestyle I've started with clean eating and hardcore work-outs isn't going to just go away after my last competition of the season next week... at least I hope it won't! I didn't just put all these months of effort into developing such a healthy regimen just to throw it out the window because I've gotten through some competitions. Life isn't about competitions, to me it's about feeling terrific in your own skin, feeling confident about your body, and living a healthy lifestyle (especially now that I have a child who will be watching my eating habits and learning!) So, next time you see me eating my cottage cheese and brocoli, don't feel bad for me, know that it's all worth it to me to feel great and live my dreams! And if you really wanna see me down some nachos and beer - come out with us after the competition this Saturday (ha ha)!!!
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