Saturday, December 10, 2011

Sat. Dec. 10, 2011

- small whole wheat tortilla
- 1/2 cup egg whites
- 1 strip chicken bacon
- shredded cheddar/mozzarella cheese
(the best wrap ever!!!)

- 3/4 cup Greek yogurt
- 2 strawberries
- 1/2 cup multigrain cheerios

12:00 - 2:30pm
- teach bellydance & boot camp

- 2 fake crab sticks (pollock)
- salad with avocado, feta, & 1 tbsp. light dressing

- Starbucks egg white/turkey bacon/low fat cheese/whole wheat english muffin sandwich (forgot to take the pic until it was almost done - oops!)
- mint tea

5:30 - 9:00pm
- a lot of the BEST fudge in the world!!!!
this is a pic of the initial piece I ate with Kathy (the magic fudge maker) in the background

here's what I ate... ok, not really, but I ate quite a bit!!!

- Starbucks Greek yogurt with honey & seeds/granola 

Sooooo, today was not supposed to be my cheat meal, but when Kathy brought that fudge which I know and love so much, I pretty much knew it would have to be today and not tomorrow!  It was so worth it!  So, I ate healthy except for the fudge and I will not be bad tomorrow now!  Busy busy day and night of teaching, rehearsing, and performing - woo-hoo!

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