Wednesday, November 9, 2011

What I Eat - November 8, 2011

Slept in and missed my early a.m. workout... really hate when this happens as there's usually never another opportunity to get to the gym if I miss this :< Feeling super-good with my clean eating already - it's amazing to me how huge a difference eating the right foods makes and it always make me wonder how or why I ever stray from this type of eating!  Here's what I ate yesterday:

- 1 whole egg + 1/2 cup egg whites with a bit of shredded cheddar
- slow cooked oatmeal with cinnamon & raisins
- green tea with fresh mint

- extre lean ground chicken with tomato sauce, veggies, and a dab of cottage cheese

2:15pm (eaten on-the-run!)
- 2 pieces of fake crab (made from pollock)
- avocado/tomato/cucumber/feta salad 

- Apple with almond butter
- caramel rice cake with almond butter & honey
(craving something fun and definitely ate a bit too much almond butter, but figured it was better than eating the cheesecake that was in my fridge!) 

6 - 9:30pm
teach 3 bellydance classes

9:45pm (eaten on-the-run)
- 1/2 cup no fat Greek yogurt with 1/2 cup cheerios mixed in
- 1/2 package almonds

So, after seeing my day here, I notice there was more fat in there than I'd usually consume in a day (lots of almond butter, avocado - ate the full thing, not just half as I usually do, almonds...) so guess my body was craving more fat.  I'm not at all scared of eating fat as long as it's the good, healthy type, I just need to make sure I don't O.D. on almond butter (which I'm known to do when eating healthy!)  I think on days like this I tend to feel I need to get in a lot of energy-giving foods like carbs and fats right before leaving to teach for the night as I know I won't be able to eat again for hours and I need the energy to be a good teacher.  I might start bringing protein shakes to the studio again as I can drink them throughout teaching and don't feel so cut-off from food all night that way. 

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