Monday, March 7, 2011

Mon. March 7, 2011

haven't posted for a while because I've been super-busy, but truthfully, also because I've been a little all over the place mentally about prepping for the UFE competition I was planning on starting my competition season with on April 9... My eating has been all over the place, workouts are always solid with me because that is the part I LOVE!  So, this weekend was do, or die time.  It was time to decide (for realz) if I was gonna do this competition, or not!  I've been so wishy-washy about whether I wanna do things like this or not lately and think that's why I'm failing at eating clean consistently (letting myself have a choice you know?)  I work really well with a short scary deadline of a big goal like a competition... so I have decided to go crazy for the next 5 weeks and just dig deep and do it!  On the other hand... I have done a few competitions in the past where I was not pleased with the way my physique looked (not enough prep, etc.) and I'm definitely past the point of just wanting to do a competition as a personal goal and who cares how I compare (not that I'm comparing myself to the other competitors - it's more against my best which I feel was in June/July 2009 - I wanna beat that!)  So I am committing to training as hard as I possibly can for the April 9th date and we'll see what I can pull off in just 5 weeks!  If I'm not totally competition-ready, I want to at least be very close so I feel great about doing the next competition that may come along!  I have a crazy goal of losing  5 pounds a week for 5 weeks to get me close to my good competition weight. I would be happy with 4/week though!  I need to just focus on clean eating (that's my issue!)  I have been wicked-awesome with workouts and eating for the past 3 days which is big and I find it much easier as you gain momentum, so it should be fun!!!!  I'll keep you all posted and of course make some new vlogs about it all soooon!