Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

So, I had planned on posting a whole lot more after starting my own personal 12-week body transformation on Jan. 22, but life has been hectic... mainly studio stuff and getting ready for our upcoming studio showcase and moving from our downtown condo to a house out in the burbs!  I have been a little on and off, until this week - this week is all ON!!!!!  And I am determined to stay consistent, eat clean, and make time for workouts now! 

Yesterday I got back to the YMCA - heavy weight workout for legs (feeling it today!) and some cardio.  I have decided to get into the Y at least twice a week (hopefully 3 times most weeks).  Today I did my very first workout at home... yep, I'm working on an awesome little home gym in our basement (got a bike, a bench, a ball, some weights, and a pull-up bar so far, more stuff coming soon like TRX, kettlebells, etc.)  So, today while Zak napped I got down there and did a hardcore 20 minutes on the bike then some back and biceps.   It was awesome!  I did learn something from my workouts yesterday and today.  I used to just go into the gym and make up my workout as I went, but lately I had been working out with my condo gym friends and didn't really have to think much about what I was going to do.  So I think to get the most out of my workouts now I will plan exactly what I'm gonna do for each day rather than just play it by ear.  This will make me get everything I need to get in in and hold me more accountable as I'm working out all alone now.  Expect lots of new vlogs from my home gym soooooon!

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