Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Dec. 15, 2010

Last week was really great - I lost 4 pounds... but haven't lost anything else since! I know I just have to take my own advice that I always give my students - be patient and keep being clean, but it's sooooo hard! I have eaten totally clean for 2 weeks now (except for one cheat meal for each week) and I don't feel there has been enough change compared to other times I've shaped up. I keep thinking I should maybe get even stricter (like less peanut butter, cheese, honey, etc.), but when I do that I tend to fall off the wagon more frequently with bigger badder cheats. I will keep going like this and see if it will pay off in the end (I'm sure it will!) I have upper my workouts lately (as I was feeling a little slack throughout the time I had that bad cough) and yesterday I think I did the hardest workout in my life!!! Me and my gym pals did a Crossfit inspired 50-rep workout and I can barely move anything today! It feels good. Because of this I am taking today as a rest day.

Here's the workout if any of you guys wanna try it out:

50 of each:
- box jump
- jump pull-ups
- kettlebell swings
- walking lunges
- hanging knees-to-elbows
- medicine ball throw with squat
- skipping (double unders)
- burpees
- sit-ups
- back extensions

try it - you'll like it

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Dec. 8, 2010

So, I had a goal to lose 5 pounds this past week as it was my first week of really cleaning up my eating for the whole week and weekend (not just the week, then go crazy all weekend which is what I've been doing lately)... I ended up losing 4 pounds which is close enough for me to be happy.  I really feel terrific for doing this and already notice my body tightening up a bit more because of my consistent clean eating for just a week and a bit now!  I have marked what goal weight I want to be each week on my calendar to keep me on point to reach my various goals.  I also write down everything I eat, input it into, then record my calories, carbs, fat, protein grams & percents, plus what workout(s) I do on each day on my calendar.  Speaking of workouts... I have been missing my early morning workouts a lot lately because my schedule has been different and I've been up later lately as we look for a house.  But, I have been teaching lots of workout classes and actually trying to push myself to take part through the whole workout and not just watch my students when I get tired.  It has been an eye-opener for me to feel how very sore I make people (ha ha - evil laugh!) - let me tell you after Pure Sweat on Monday and my noon-time workout class yesterday, this morning I could barely get outta bed!  I'm so sore and in so many great places like my butt and my abs! yay!  I always walk to work and all over pushing my son in a stroller, but lately I've been trying to push myself to walk faster so it's a real workout for me!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Dec. 1, 2010

Been really healthy this week so far - yay!  I have made the commitment to have a bare belly in every bellydance class I teach from now on... many reasons... main one being it forces me to stay clean with the eating as I don't want to expose my belly if it's all fat.  Right now it is a little chubby, but the fact that I'll stay accountable and make a change to it every week is what is keeping it bare and helping me through this uncomfortable phase!  Also, of course when teaching belly rolls, pops, etc. it's much easier to demonstrate things when students can actually see what your belly is doing!  So, I came out last night and told all my students that's how it would be from now on to keep me strict with my healthy eating!