One of my body transformation programs just ended (a few ladies from the business upstairs from my studio were doing a private 12-week program together, then at the end of that three of them continued on with me for an additional 8 weeks to get further to their ultimate goals.) I LOVE to witness the change people go through not just physically, but in all aspects of their life, when they do a program like this. Yes, tons of pounds and inches were lost (one superstar lost over 40 lbs!)but more importantly, I hope my programs show participants that they have the power to change anything in their lives if they really put their mind to it! I am always super-stoked by all my student's progress - it makes me get all goose-bumpy when I feel like I'm helping people make real positive changes in their lives and of course it also keeps me totally motivated seeing them all working so hard towards their goals and dreams - LOVE IT!!! If you wanna make changes like I've talked about here and work towards your dream body this summer, I have a new 12-week body transformation program starting next Saturday, June 10 - check out for more info! Or check out my 4-week free online transformation site with forum at
I just made a new vlog! In it I discuss a bit about my weekend, the power of positive thinking, as well as give an at-home upper body workout for you all to try!
My weekend in brief: Niagara Falls was great - so glad we weren't here for all the G20 stuff! I did stray a tiny bit from my clean eats, but nowhere near as bad as I usually would be on a weekend at the Falls or even a typical weekend here! There were no sugar binges or pizza or anything too crazy... I did have a burger at T.G.I.Fridays - yum! And I tried those Dippin Dots for the first time too! I feel a bit bloaty and gross now after that day, but it wasn't too severe! I do feel like I'm finding a lot more balance in my eating (not being way to severe and strict and not eating pure garbage) so that's exciting to me as I'm usually such an all-or-nothing type of gal!
here's a pic that made me happy:
This pic was from Friday (Brasil-Portugal soccer game)... And it is an action shot of me dancing samba... I was a little worried about seeing the dancing pics as even when you're pretty fit you can look rolly and fat in movement shots where you aren't pulling up, everything is all loose and jiggly, and crazy twisting motions in samba make it really bad sometimes... but none of them were terrible, and I can even see a bit of ab definition in this one (I know there is still a little belly, but seeing improvement for sure!)
Talk soon!
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