I always find it helpful to look back at the past year and see what you loved about it (and even what you didn't) so you know what's important to be working towards in your new year...
Looking back on 2012, these are the amazing things that happened in my life:
- Seeing my super-wicked-awesome students at FIERCE each day I go in to kick butt!
- Conquering Tough Mudder with TEAM FIERCE!
- Doing a crazy schedule of performing at festivals this summer with my groups
- Finally competing at the CHIN Folkloric Dance Competition with Banat El Sharq and TropiCaliente
- Starting Tae Kwon Do and getting my yellow belt
- Being published in a real book (The Belly Dance Reader)
- Becoming a regular contributor to Yallah Magazine
- My "Sh*t Bellydancers Say" Youtube clip (www.youtube.com/
- Getting on The Ellen Show for my Ellen's Dance Dare video (www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3nL0ESOu2Y&list=UUh36hXt5YFcUlATwRGy85Jg&index=25)
- All the fun times I had with my friends and family!
- Volunteer cameraman for my heroes at RX Muscle at Toronto Pro Super Show
- Performing dance at fitness and wrestling events (blending my passions)
- Starting my first 12-Week Going Pro Bellydance Course and seeing my beautful students progress so much (can't wait to see you all performing where you perform in 2013!)
- International Bellydance Conference of Canada: totally excited and honoured to have taught a workshop, hosted a discussion panel, performed solo, with Banat El Sharq, and with my bestie Christina
- Starting Bellydance Talk Radio
- Arabesque Danc Co. Oyoun reunion performance
- Seeing everything come together for the big FIERCE Showcase!
- All my amazingly successful 12-Week Body Transformation Program Afters!!! You all inspire me!
Check out my Facebook album that documents all these amazing moments from 2013 in pictures!
My resolutions/goals for 2013:
- Workout hardcore (weights, cardio, intervals, craziness) on my own 5 days/week, plus do all my classes with my students all out!
- Take bathroom mirror progress pictures and record weight every week
- Once I reach my goal weight of 145 lbs (by March 27), maintain it year-round by eating clean consistently with just one or two cheat meals/week
- Be featured in a fitness magazine as a model by 2014
- Write more fitness articles & get published again
- Practice Tae Kwon Do at home at least 2 extra hours/week
- Do a Tae Kwon Do competiiton before the end of 2013
- Become a fitness expert on a TV show like Cityline, Breakfast Television, etc. and a Toronto newspaper
- Start gymnastics
- Stretch everyday for at least 15 minutes
- Re-visit my wrestling dreams - start training for that
- Start CrossFit
- Fitness Competition???
- Practise my own bellydance technique/choreographies at least 4 hours/week
- Plan all classes for the week every Monday
- Update costumes, sell ones that I don't use!
- Upload at least one new youtube clip/month (either a vlog, a mini lesson, or a dance)
- Perform at more fitness events like competitions and expos (did a few last year, wanna do more! blending my passions rock!)
- Get better at doing choreographies (rather than just always improv), learn one new choreo/month and videotape it! Get together with other dancers and teach each other choreos (this kinda forces you to learn a choreo!)
- Write more bellydance articles
- Compete more competitively at the CHIN Folkloric Dance Competition with my groups (now that we know how they roll!)
- Build more of a hardcore gym area at the studio with more equipment (more 12 & 15 lb dumbbells for my girls who are getting stronger and stronger, benches, pull-up bar, boxes, and more!
- Re-floor studio before September
- Buy a mini-fridge before summer
- throw stuff out! De-clutter!
- Pick up the phone/Call people back
- Work more on actually advertising and marketing my studio
- Teach at least one workshop/month at my studio or elsewhere
- Promote more on TV, radio, and newspapers
- TEAM FIERCE for Tough Mudder 2013!
- Act more like a responsible adult with money, rather than a ruthless teenager (ugh!)
- Start using my savings bank account again (need to determine how much I will promise myself to save every month)
- Less shopping!
- Do my hair & make-up every morning after workout & shower
- Think more about what I wear (cuter workout wear since that's what I live in, my 31 day challenge on FB should help with this)
- Work on Sunday afternoon style (lol! My closet is full of extremes - workout wear and sequined dresses... I don't wear normal clothes often, but I hate it when I go to brunch on Sunday and can't find one normal outfit like jeans and a cute top)
- Wash, scrub, tone, moisturize, use all the anti-aging/purifying/rejuvenating skin products I have sitting in my cabinet that I never use every night before bed (I can be soooo lazy about this!)
- Take more risks, don't be embarrassed put it all out there and try
- Tell it like it is more
- Learn to cook! Make my chef father give me private lessons, try new recipes, love it!
- Pre-make all meals for the day for everyone the night before or in the early a.m
- Aim for minimalistic home (LESS CLUTTER!) - organize all closets - throw stuff out!
- Go to the library with Zak weekly
- Read a book/2 weeks (I am pretty disgusted at how long it takes me to read a book lately... There are so many books I wanna read... mostly personal growth, fitness, and business related!)
- Take Zak to a fun outing at least once during the week (as well as weekend family fun)
- Date night with hubby at least twice/month
- Workout with hubby once/week
- Be nicer to people close to me (you know how we can often fall into too-comfortable-mode and treat strangers nicer than our closest of close? That sucks!)
- Get my driver's licence by spring 2013!
- Learn Arabic (finally!)
- Baby #2?
- Be more responsible with items like cameras, phones, computers... (I'm known to break everything)
I think there are even more, but I won't bore you all here with them. I'm glad they're out there and I feel accountable! I need to make a vision board now - they are great visual reminders of what you're striving towards. I would love to hear all of your goals and dreams for 2013 - please share! Here we go!