YES, 5 days until my first competition!!! I had some major diet blunders at the end of last week due to going a little too low carb and ending up maniacally binging on any white carb I could get my hands on late at night two days in a row! So, Saturday I added a real whole grain carb in my mid-day meal (instead of just limited vegetables as carbs all day) and yesterday I was at my mom's for brunch so I allowed myself a slice of quiche with all it's carb-o-licious crust (but that was as bad as I went all weekend) and it really showed on the scale this morning - I had lost 2 pounds (after having no change whatsoever on the scale all week!) So, because of all my diet mishaps Thursday and Friday and my carb-bloated belly Saturday as a result of those bad days I was feeling a little depressed thinking 'how will I ever be ready for this show in less than a week?' which was a new feeling for me as up to that point I had been SO excited and didn't even worry very seriously about looking bad and embarrassing up on the fitness stage. But this morning I feel like a new woman ready to compete on Saturday!!! Soooo, this week I am cutting all salt out of my diet, upping my cardio time and intensity (even more if that's possible!), changing up my weight routine a bit to be even more sweaty circuit training style than it already is, working on my figure poses and routine, putting the final touches on my bikini and costumes, and... the fun part... getting beautiful!!! I've got beauty appointments booked all week (finally some relaxation payback for all this work) - hair, waxing, mani/pedi, massage, tan, etc. YAY! I've been down for my early morning cardio this morning (think I really need to stop reading fitness magazines while stair climbing or biking and kick the intensity up a notch - god I'm obsessed with fitness mags and have to buy every one as soon as they hit the stands including heavy-duty men's ones like Musclemag and Flex! I tell myself, soon I will be in them!) I'll be working back, biceps, and abs in a bit, plus a little more cardio. Then running to the studio with Zak in the jog stroller, practising posing, routine, etc. with my girls at the studio, and maybe running home (depending on if hubby picks me up at the end of the night, or not). I love Mondays - WOO-HOO!!!